Better late than never...

Feb 21, 2007 13:58

Why am I so late getting this done? The first contributing factor was Baby Jack, who slept until the jaw-dropping hour of 7 am. Consequently, I slept until 7 also. I fed the baby, set the table, started the eggs, pushed down the toast, poured orange juice and coffee. After we finished up breakfast, the dishes were done, sink scrubbed and laundry in on time, and it is Wednesday, so you all know it’s scrub-the-bathroom-day. I whipped through that, got the big boy off to school and the baby down for his nap at 9, which is when I fully intended to start writing…

…and then the phone rang…

Before I go any further, we (that’s the royal we) are happy the phone rang, because yesterday, the Sprint-Nextel conglomerate, in all their infinite mergerness, couldn’t seem support incoming nor outgoing calls on my phone. Luckily I still had the 2-way….

(SIDEBAR: Which makes me think of 3-way…which makes me think of this article on polyamorous flamingos. Which makes me think that people who say they are poly are just non-committers…or, perhaps they are simply flamingos trapped in a human body. But who knows? Maybe it’s natural-and in which case, who am I to judge? I just don’t want one in my bed, right? I love how some people say homosexuality is “unnatural” too-what a hoot! Tell that to the flamingos.)

Anyway, fast-forward to the phone call (alright already!), it was my “friend/babysitter,” apologizing for being MIA for damn near a week. I didn’t say too much, a lot of “uh-huh’s” and “oh, really’s” - FYI, if I am on a phone call with you and every other response is uh-huh or oh-really, I’m probably not feeling you. There. The secret is out.

So after about 12 minutes of trying to say “uh-huh,” running out of different inflections to use for vocal variety, I get another call…It’s Shannie. And when she calls instead of 2-way, I know it’s important. Or at least interesting.

She found an Oh-My-God-House in San Antonio (don’t ask…way too long of a story here). I am freaking in love!! But for 650k, who wouldn’t, right??? But it’s a fair price, I think. I would be the beautiful-beautiful princess I have always wanted to be in that house. I would descend that staircase like a goddess, and scrub that columned tub every Wednesday.

So, after ten minutes of gasping and oohing and ahhing like it was our first fireworks show, we switched to the less interactive, but free 2-way. And hey, free is free.

And we 2-wayed most of the day, looking at houses online and planning our children’s wedding. Notice that “wedding” is singular-I know, we’re bad, but we are considering an arranged marriage. ;) We used to do this quite frequently, at least once or twice a week, but since she’s started substitute teaching again, it’s been a long time.

So there…there’s the story. That’s the skinny on why I am late, and a good way to update you all on the goings on around here…

Now I know I already wrote about the church-house, and you all took a look at those pictures/stats…but I thought I would include the other properties we will be looking at Saturday here they are:

This one is probably my second choice (sight unseen of course!) not only for it’s newness, but also it’s 4 acres:

I’m thinking 189k is crack-rock for this rather homely home. Yes, it’s ugly and doesn’t do much for me, but there’s room for Tim’s workshop, so we’ll see:

Again, ugly house #2. But to be fair, we’re checking out all our options. Perhaps it’s not so bad in person. I’ll post the update Sunday after we see them:

This house doesn’t make a freight train take a dirt road, but it is pretty plain-Jane. We don’t know if it will have workshop space or not, but it does feature the other things we’re looking for, including the number of bedrooms, baths, etc.:

The final house is inaccessible on for whatever reason, but you can go to Linda Nugent’s website, click on listings, then scroll down past the houses we cannot afford, and look at the one that is 227 Jackson, priced just over 129k. It’s old. I probably don’t want it. But again, we have to be fair (and balanced) in checking everything out so we know we’re making an educated decision.

Mom & Step-Dude agreed to watch the boys, and we’ll be off first thing Saturday! I can’t waitttttt!!!!!!

babysitter, nextel, late, house, baby jack, moving

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