You'll all have seen this:
In the course of discussing this, I was first asked if I had actually seen the Meme being discussed, followed by:
"If you dont know who they are then how can you make statements like : " All I see is a string of Barbie-Clones. All Silicone and plastic and synthetic material, all designed to please. " ? Snooky is the one on the for left. Frankly the sci-fi chicks are actually more "designed to please", because they are fictional ideals of beauty."
It's a fair question, and a fair opinion. But I disagree. And so, below this carefully prepared Cut, I offer you a peek into how I see the world and how I like my women.
You have a very good point. I also would not include Lady GaGa in my description there, as I think she actually has some talent. (Somewhat cynical talent, if you ask me, but talent nontheless.) But... this is hard to put into words. I've long disliked what I call cookie-cutter people. I reject the fake tan, I denounce the bottle of bleach, and I abjure the presentation of breasts as desirable. I loathe the seeming common-held perception that you have to be or look a certain way... and all too often I'm just seeing the style over the person. And so much of the time I'm seeing that this person has blindly adopted a Style for no reason other than their friends have adopted it. They have no liking for the form, they have no love of the methods, they're just *doing* it. And I know that... thingy... Bella... does not (HAH!) "Conform" to this argument- yes, I *have* read Twilight, and did finish it, but you couldn't *pay* me to read the rest of the series. Quite aside from the writing style, she read like a lobotomised Vulcan- flat and unemotional with no seeming thoughts for herself in her head. It might actually have been more entertaining if it turned out that The Glittery One had her under some kind of mind control, cliched as that would be.
So. Let's look at Row 2, Shall we? Aeryn Sun from Farscape (Commando squad leader), Zoe Washburn from Firefly (Veteran on the losing side and a thoroughly in control of herself), Commander Susan Ivanova (Babylon 5 and a Special Case), Jadzia Dax (Officer of rank I cannot remember at this point in time in Starfleet) and Sam Carter from Stargate (More PhD's that you get at a neuroscience symposium and military rank). Every single one of those women has been written as honourable, has been written as loyal, has been written as using their brains to get ahead in life in ways other than jiggling and giggling, and won't just try and use their sex appeal in other ways to get them ahead. Each of them has gone against otherr people's wishes in order to *do the right thing* at least once each. And, of course, they are *fully clothed*, or at least *reasonably clothed* for the vast majority of the stories. (I refuse to count Tia Carrera in Relic Hunter as a good female role model- despite her seeming Academic credentials- because she ends up in her underwear pretty much every episode. I'm not *interested* in a female character whose role is to lose her top on a regular basis.) I will excuse Aeryn Sun's state of dress in this picture because It's a female version of "Standard badass commando wear" for fiction. This is acceptable. It is NOT a Battle Bikini.
I described Susan Ivanova as a special case before. Yes, I like the character, but I felt that part of the problem was that in the series they tried to turn her into ALL the minorities in one go- A Russian Jewish Lesbian. Well! I'm not sure if they decided that at the beginning, or if they suddenly panicked because they had to meet some "Diversity" requirements.
But as I walk through the streets I see more and more young girls whose clothing and styling which resembles a combination of four of the five clothing styles, and I despair of how young some of these people seem- and on occasion, overhearing their conversation, I see elements of thinking that matches No. 2 on the top row, if you can call it thinking. It makes me think, sometimes, that the Christian New Testament was right, except for the translation: "Blessed are the Muck, for they shall inherit the Earth".
Or maybe I'm just in a very despondent and bitter mood because I've been shepherding sheeple who were excited because an overgrown match was being carted around.
But. To sum up: I see nothing of any worth in any of the top row, in fact, for the most part their appearances *repulse* me, with the possible exception of Lady GaGa for what appears to be a very good brain. The bottom row displatys *all* the qualities that I would want to find in a woman, and I do not include the ability and knowledge to use a firearm in that. I want *real* people
The great irony is that it is only the fictional people who I am even halfway attracted to (excluding Bella)- although I am not convinced that the people in the top row are "real" in any sense other than they have a physical existence.
There. Rant/ 'o apologos over. Maybe it's a sign that I'm missing the point of the meme and substituting my own opinions over the intents of the original poster. But that's what I think it means and why I agree wholeheartedly.