Backtagging: Go for it.
Threadhopping: Just give me a heads up first
Fourthwalling: Her canon has a fifth wall. Go for it.
Offensive subjects: Only if it's IC
Hugging this character: She may be annoyed, or she may start licking you. It's hard to say.
Kissing this character: The above.
Flirting with this character: You mean she didn't flirt with you first? Go for it.
EXTRA NOTE: The character is the human equivalent of 13. So... just keep that in mind when considering the intensity of the above
Fighting with this character: Go ahead. However, she does have battle skills and, in certain situations, would not necessarily be adverse to killing a threat.
Injuring this character: The above, but go ahead.
Killing this character: The above, but go ahead.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Who am I to deny things that happen in canon? Just talk to me first~
Easiest way to get on his bad side: Injure her friends or anything else that could potentially need revenge, or makes you a threat. Breaking any law, or rather, going against her idea of JUST1C3! She is likely to pretend to be upset by her handicap if it is brought up.
Warnings: The society she is from is much more violent and violence, death, and cruelty are much more socially acceptable. While she is generally a "good" troll, she is still a troll. She is manipulative and will attempt to troll you in the means of an internet troll.
Other Stuff: See
quirk permission post