But honestly won't someone stop this train

Jul 10, 2011 01:08

Today i feel.... unfulfilled.

Yes, that's how i feel. By no means have i done nothing as such today but really did i actually do anything? Or perhaps i should ask myself have i done anything worthwhile. Was this day a completely waste. Next week will i be able to look back and remember anything of this day?
Have i thrown away 24 hours of my life that i'm never going to get back.

My days are routine. Have been for as long as i remember. I'd say that i like structure but then again i've only ever met one person with worse OCD than myself.

When was the last time that i did something fun, exciting, different, adventurous, worth looking back on and thinking: wasn't that a great day.

My life is passing my by in a blur and i'm scared. I've already left secondary school. My college freshers' day was on tuesday. I'm terrified that if i blink huge chunks of my life are going to be over before i've even really had a chance to enjoy and appreciate them.

blink: i'm filling out Uni application forms,

blink again and i'm graduating,

blink; i've met someone,

blink: we have children,

blink: my parents are long gone,

blink: it's my turn too.

The clock is ticking, the sand won't stop pouring and i know i can't stop it.

Stop this train
I want to get off and go home again
I can't take the speed it's moving in
I know i can't but honestly won't someone stop this train.

late night ramblings

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