Friday Thru Sunday

Sep 21, 2003 11:27

morning-nothing happened..
1st period-played football
2nd period-took a test
BRUNCH-umm..i think i hung out with kevin//chris//kyle?//ryan etC.
3rd period-umm..did line graphing
4th period-did hw.and talked and yeah
LUNCH-umm..ate sandwich..hung out with foononie//kyle//kevin and etC.
5th period-did our group thingy
6th period-did our example layout..kinda confusing!
After skewl-i finished taking pics for yearbook!! it took me like about a week or so..

On friday after skewl i went to reno..yeah..we arrived thurr about 10 pM.Then we got to our hotel and got our room..MY mom. brother. and me went to go eat..and we ate clam chowder..and OMG! i was HELLA hungry..and i ate the clam chowder and it was HELLA HELLA HELLA SALTY! and that night my throat was hella dry and yeah.. I slept at 12 something..and woke up at 7 cuss i couldn't nose and my throat were hurting and all..from the SOUP! then we went to eat at a and my brother went to go play some games and all.he spent about 35 dollars playin gaames..and me and my brother played TIME CRISIS III!! NEW GAME!! and we also played HOUSE OF THE DEAD 3!!! eheh..NEW GAME TOO!! lol..some of the dead people in house of the dead we scary!lol.. :D!..umm..then we went to get our stuff and go put it in the car..and we left! yeah..and we got home like about 4 or 5..yupp..i was soo tired i slept in the car for 3 yeah..i finished most of my hw in the car..and when we were going home we stopped at this car place! and it was STACKED UP WITH HUMMERSS!!! hehe..i went inside and my dad took a test drive! was hella sick!!haha..yupp..and my dad might get one..YAY! :D!!hehe..and yeah..we got home..i went online and all.yup..then went to sleep like at 11 or 12.

I woke up at 9 aM..and did hw and all.and imma get my hair laireD!! hehe..yupp, and at 2 or 3 i have to go to tutoring and shiet..bLeh!! yup..then imma go to my gandma's house..heh..yupp..well..imma go!! Bye..Bye -TiFFanEe
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