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areyoulovers May 23 2011, 22:31:04 UTC
Oh dear... I don't think you meant this to be public!


motherfinghonk May 24 2011, 04:48:39 UTC
DoNt GoTtA bE aLl WoRrYiNg AbOuT tHaT sIsTeR.
ShIt LiKe ThIs Is So BiG tHe MaGiCaL cOmMuNiTy AlL uP aNd ThOuGhT tHiS mOtHeRfUcKiN mIrAcLe HaD tO gO mOtHeRfUcKiN pUbLiC.


areyoulovers May 24 2011, 04:49:44 UTC
Oh! I've noticed that the community unlocks posts sometimes, but I'd never thought that it would do it because it thinks that they're miracles!


motherfinghonk May 24 2011, 04:52:43 UTC
CaNt UnDeReStImAtE tHoSe MoThErFuCkIn ThInGs MaN
ItS lIkE tHeY jUsT kNoW sOmEtImEs, YoU kNoW?
ThEy CaN dO aNyThInG eVeR yO...


areyoulovers May 24 2011, 04:56:51 UTC
So you think that Karkat and Terezi really are dating, then?


motherfinghonk May 24 2011, 05:12:27 UTC
UhHhHh DaTiNg?
DuNnO rEaLlY.
AlL i KnOw Is LiKe ThEy ArE sO mOtHeRfUcKiN fLuShEd FoR eAcH oThEr
HoNk HoNk HoNk! :o)


areyoulovers May 24 2011, 05:15:57 UTC
I suppose if they were dating, it would be even more of a miracle!


motherfinghonk May 24 2011, 05:35:09 UTC
HaHaHa FuCk YeAh
ThAt SoUnDs LiKe ThE gReAtEsT mIrAcLe Of AlL sIs!
ThEy ArE gOnNa Be So MoThErFuCkIn HaPpY...


areyoulovers May 24 2011, 18:55:31 UTC
They're very firmly denying it, but maybe they just don't realize their feelings yet!


motherfinghonk May 25 2011, 05:04:43 UTC
HaHaHa ThEyRe LiKe ToUgH mOtHeRfUcKeRs To CrAcK bUt Im BeTtInG lIkE ThEy AlReAdY fUcKiN kNoW yOu KnOw?
So GoOd At HiDiNg ThAt ShIt AnD bOtTlInG iT iN lIkE a ShAkEn BoTtLe Of ThE wIcKeD eLiXiR
AnD iT aLl EnDs Up HiSsInG aNd BuBbLiNg ThE fUcK oVeR iN tHiS mOtHeRfUcKiN vOlCaNo Of A pOsT
JuSt LiKe ThIs MaN
HoNk :o)


ovversensitivve May 24 2011, 05:30:49 UTC
dont listen to this idiot magic doesnt exist
ter just completely failed to lock this fuckin thing because she probably wwanted it all public anywway
or somethin like that
dunno wwhy


areyoulovers May 24 2011, 05:32:19 UTC
I'm not sure one way or the other about magic, but it's true that the community does tend to unlock things, even things written by people who are very good at computers!


ovversensitivve May 24 2011, 05:36:13 UTC
wwell it sure isnt magic because thats a load a fake bs right
probably chance or somethin
or programmin


areyoulovers May 24 2011, 18:55:02 UTC
Popular theory says that the community is intelligent in its own right! So I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was programming, like you say.


dr34msbl1nd May 24 2011, 17:05:55 UTC
1T W4S M34NT TO B3 PR1V4T3


areyoulovers May 24 2011, 18:53:17 UTC
Hmm... although it was probably the community's fault, if you'd like, I could help you with codes to lock posts properly! I owe Karkat a favor, and I think he would appreciate that sort of thing as well!


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