Aug 06, 2005 10:36
Tel Yehudah. Okay so we left on father's day...and got to camp the day after. TY is a big camp! It has two separate camps. I was in bet which is by far better! way way better! the scenery in bet is like i said, absolutley stunning! So when i got there i was in cabin 2b. Our sign said are you ready 2b amazed, which i thought was very cute. I was in chug Kasefet, which means whipped cream in hebrew! woot! I loved our merekez omri...he was so awesome and he had the best posture i have ever seen!!!!!! So anyway my cabin counselors where davina, we called her davines for short, or as a nick name seeing how its not really much shorter in fact it's longer. Our other counselor's name was narit and she is from Israel. So they were pretty good counselors but they were both "first year" counselors who were never camper them selves so that was a barrier in some ways. THey were def. way to worried. But they did a lot of stuff for us that was really awesome. Our cabin was amazing it had every single CJ person i could ever wish for! even dani's cousin erika came even though she had never been at camp b4, she was so sweet and great! Overall our chug was not that great but there were some nice people in it. so the first week was basically adjusting to TY. It is a lot different than CJ. I learned this great game called bull dog! Oh btw our chug's cheer....... do the we will rock you clap...... it goes kasefet....kasefet...we are katsefet the cream of TY we are katsefet and we all know why...cause were gonna whip it...whip it good...were gonna whip it...whip it reallllllll good.... yeah what a great cheer. i know. well we had fun with it at least. so lets see hmmm we did ropes course which was fun! it was great because hal unger was there which was nice to have a familiar face from cj... also there was joel hess who was my offie counselor and there was also josh who was rosh machaneh of bet. it was nice to see all the familiar faces from cj. shabbat at TY is cool because usually the people from the two camps do not get to see each other but on shabbat they do. So everyone goes to aleph for services and since TY is RIGHT on the delaware river..i mean like our cabin was 20 feet from the is a very nice place for services. The services at TY are like nothing i've ever experienced before. They were extremely cool. Like during some songs people got up and danced and sang really loudly it looked like one of those kabbalah rallies or whatever but it was so fun and i really liked it! Then we went to the chader ochel for dinner. And of coarse it was every traditional...chicken potatoes....soup....but it was pretty good i mean not that bad....ok so not so great but the soup was usually the best part and the brownies that we had for desert tasted like pesach. but whatever. we ate like 6 of them. then we had oneg which was very fun it was the theme of snl. then we went to bed. so on saturday we go back to aleph and we can choose any service that we want...the first week me and my friends didn't know we needed to go back to aleph so we just went to a site where services were supposed to be and no one was there so we did our own services and then started going back to our cabin when we got caught and got stuck in some weird meditation service. so then we have which we basically do nothing. then aleph...then region time (g-l-i-l clap y-a-m i'm a seaboard child cause my momma says i am!) ok so we did a little of that few icebreakers and then more chofesh then we go to dinner which is like spanikoppita...or like potato and mushroom kopitta. then shira s'kata which is like so amazing! i love singing! i even brought home a shiron young judaea! yah! then of coarse rikkud! i love dancing i go crazy and im not even good at it! so after rikkud they were like please go to the beit ha'am there is breaking news in israel and we have a live video feed. so we all ran to the beit ha'am wondering what it was and they played this weird movie with a dressed up animal that had nothing to do with israel and it was maccabia! but it sucked because who wants maccabia the first week of camp....NO ONE. second they split up the merchaves. merchav boom boom was split up because it made up 40% of camp but whatever we still should have been together. so i was on the yellow team with every other region that had no spirit it was so depressing and none of the kids wanted to participate i was really upset i mean so what its still maccabia. but we didn't win and texas, thank God, didn't win but blue won which i think was lev...maybe lev. but i did biking and ultimate Frisbee and volleyball. which all three were quite exciting.
!!!!!!!----it's starting to thunder so im going to post this and continue later------!!!!!!!!!!!!