Long entry sorry, Its good to read though<3

Dec 08, 2004 10:44

This morning I woke up and walked to the bathroom and I was REALLYY dizzy and I couldn't see straight and I was inna coldd sweatt. By the time I got there I couldn't function right and I was majorlyy nauseouss :( so I went to tell my Mom I didn't feel goodd.. so I went out into the hallway and pretty much collapsed theree. And than I told her I didn't know what was wrongg.. she said that it'd definitely be best if I just stayed home from school and took a day of restt. Soo I took my pills and than I told Mike I wouldn't be there and than I went into my brotherss room and went back to sleepp. I woke up a lott every so often because I kept havving nightmares =/ and than aht 10;00 I woke up for goodd.. pretty early styll, but oh well. I STYLL feel nauseous, but it's a little better than it wass.

Now my Mom's more than shure that the cause for these feelings is my disease, I have ulcerative colitis and I'm an anemic. And the doctors always said that this would change my life now, that I'd have times when I'm acutely ill and haffto take days off from school. KSJDFjdfjdfgdfgdhf I hate how I have this now.. I hate how I gotta take this into my life and "accept" it. Oh and for those of you wondering, there's no cure for eitherr disease. It's just a part of you for the rest of youre life.. youre just monitored and take medicinee. II take sixx pills a day for my colitis and one for my anemia. Dkfljdkj I got the doctor tomoroo to check on me.. I don't wanna go. I don't even know what they're gonna do.. but it's already been soo much and it's styll just beginning dfjdhfdjhf ERGG! Okay.. anywayy..

Here's a brief explanation of each disease. Ulcerative colitis is a problem in youre large intestine (mine's also partial to my small intestine as well) it causes internal bleeding and all that good shtuff. It's hereditary.. my Dad had it.. dfhdjhf I wish he were here for support. Andd you just gotta take medicine to help the bleeding (though it neverr goes away) and you usually do become anemic. Anemia is when you have poor blood.. the pills make it stronger.. not better just temporary help.. if I were taken off the pills, that'd be bad dkfdhfhdf. There's complications with colitis.. some can even have possible death dkfjdkfhdjhfdjfdjf. No one really realizes how hard this shtuff hits a person.. it affects youre physical AND emotional being.. I mean hell they've got support groups for it.. I've been to ENOUGH of those though =/ I can't believe just one day.. boom colitis.. boom youre anemic.. dfkjdfkj no matter what they throw aht me though it's not lyke I'll give up.. dkfjdhf it is hard.. but styll.. dfkjdf dfhd djfhdhf.. just wish me luck with it all.. but don't worry about mee.. i WONT be dieing, theres those possibilities, but i wont..<3
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