Dec 06, 2004 05:51

Thought I'd update before school. kldfhdf school, I DONT WANNA GO! I'm soo sleepy I didn't sleep aht all last night.. firstt I kept having nightmaress soo I called Mike :) and thannn after that my dogg started to cry cause she hadda go out so my Momm woke up and started yelling aht everything and onee.. so I just pretended I was asleep =P And thann I just couldnt fall asleep dkfhdf and than I had another nightmare, but by than I woke up and it was timee to get up.

This morning I took 54545421 minutes to get ready.. more than usuall. And my eyes are itchyy and I can't scratch them or I gotta do my eyeliner again dfkdfh.

Anyywayy. Yesturdayy was greatt !!!! Mike came over for the day XD! Anthony was supposta come too, but he hadda go to his Uncle's sooo they're both coming over todayy after school =D

Imma go noww.. I'll update layterrr today.. <33
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