Jun 25, 2005 16:47
wow i have not wrote in here forever
well yesturday was my bday
showed who my REAL friends were cuz everyone just cancelled on going to the river and then other ppl couldnt go but then found out a couple of girls didnt go and said they werent sad they didnt go then... so yah ppl are basically jerks
everyone had a REAL reason not to go
and some ppl i dont blame.. but i do blame them for saying they COULD go but then texting me at 10 oclock at night THE DAY BEFORE we were going.. literally hours before we were supposed to leave... and i wonder if i hadnt texted them to remind them to meet at my house by nine would they have even told me they were not going at all.... well fuck em cuz i had fun anyways with my real friends :-D ... and i dont mind late cancelling but it pisses me off when i already bought tubes.. water..food..soda for that amount of ppl and then half of them dont fucking GO... its inconsiderate... and then after they all cancel they always make sure to say BUT HEY have a happy bday..
anyways yah it was a fun bday with my buddies. and i got lots of great goodies..
now hopefully the rest of this summer is bomb.. and when my parents are out of town and im gunna have a god damn party all of u who cancelled on me last minute are NOT INVITED CUZ IM BITTER!!!! lol at least i admit it