Oct 31, 2004 14:45
well last night was intresting enough haha
i was all like HMPH what am i going to do after work so i called danielle.. and she invited me to dinner
so we went to wildflower and it was delicious
then we went to fredricks and shopped
we decided we wanted to do something so we called about one thousand ppl and finally someone found a party --dans hook up aka joe
so we wanted to go.. but we didnt want to go alone cuz a. u dont want to be loners/losers and
b. college guys are scary
so we enlisted the help of a one jeremy robinson
we payed freakin five bucks to get in so we could drink.. but we didnt drink so there was really no point for the five bucks but jeremy drank our five dollars worth ..
so everyone was dressed up like little hooochies and i wish i had dressed up but i didnt and im kinda glad cuz those girls looked coldv but yah.. so higlights:
dan got hit in the eye by a drunk fire fighter slut girl
jeremy trying to find a stripper and the keg
katlin being tipsy and giveing out lolly pops
a drunk girl introducing danielle as me and me as danielle about three times
sooo we kept hearing rumor of cops so i was like we are DIPPIN and we left.. jeremy was screaming out the window at all the hot girls haha
so i had to take away his window privliges and then.. he just opend the door to scream stuff out
we drove to dans... cops busted a party down the street
we called a ride for jeremy
watched 13 going on 3o and thats the end