Last night I had a friend around and was trying to show her how to use my old DSLR. We went for a walk down the road, she stopped for long enough for me to throw 2 wireless (pocket wizard) triggered flashes on the ground and take the photo.
This was an unplanned shot, but I still like the way the photo came out, especially the way the flowers all seem to shine.
Strobist fans. I've got a canon 540ez behind her set to about 1/3rd and the flash on camera left is a 580ex set slightly too bright (I don't remember what, but probably 1/4).
Camera (taken with) = Canon 400D using the 17-85mm IS lens.
Camera (model is holding) = Canon Powershot Pro 1.
I always love playing around with these sorts of images, but usually lack a model.
BTW : Ksenia is taking a photo, not chimping as it looks.