Well, I'm still only halfway through finishing my packing, and I've got about 3 days work to do in about 1.5days, but I've still managed to get my AMD 3600+ working again.
** Caution, Geeky computer talk below **
I had another AMD pc that was crashing randomly and swapped CPU's with it, then back again.
The problem being that upon swapping everything back I just left the PC in the corner as it wasn't needed and the time.
I tried setting up the LAMP server last night but the damn PC didn't post (boot up).
Well it technically started up, but there was no activity on the video, keyboard, or mouse, pretty much only the fans would start up and some blinking lights... Somethings not working
I tried installing a spare Nvidia 7600gs PCI-Ex video card in case the onboard video was dead, no deal.
I tried clearing the bios settings, nothing.
I tried re-seating ram and checking cables, zilch.
Then I realised about the CPU swap. I pulled the heatsink/fan off (they don't make that easy), and there was a fair chunk of arctic silver, the horrible metallic stuff used as a heat transfer paste between the CPU and the HSF. After failing miserably to remove the gunk using a paper towel I found an old toothbrush which did the job perfectly. No more semi-liquid metal shorting out some of the pins on my relatively shiny new PC, and it now POSTs fine :D
I then went and installed Ubuntu Linux, Apache 2.2, MySQL, and PHP, making it my new web server box.
New LAMP server Specs :
Ubuntu 7.04 - Feisty Fawn
AMD 3600+
1Gb ram
36Gb 10,000rpm Raptor SATA drive
Nvidia 7600GS video card
Old LAMP server specs :
Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake)
Duron 800Mhz
384Mb ram
Unknown onboard video card.
The video card on the new server is way overkill for a headerless server, but ohh well, maybe it'll be useful when I finally setup full OS virtualization.
With the moving out I'll be putting 1 of my LAMP servers at Dan's place, and the other can be switched on and my DNS A record can be updated as soon as the net is re-connected at the new place.
Also, I just went and fixed a html programming bug in my
contact.htm page. Turns out I forgot the trailing / in the tag thus making the page not technically correct and it just wouldn't render in IE. This must have been an issue for AGES, but I've just not known about it as I didn't properly test my entire website in IE, ohh well. It's only 50% of net traffic, haha.
I've also added a couple of extra photos to the galleries, and when I eventually get around to redoing the PHP for the
photography sections I'll be adding more galleries.
Anyway, off to do some more packing. ENJOY!