A Couple More Quizzes

Apr 17, 2005 22:22

You're Singapore!

You're small but well-built and people are a little afraid
of you.  You might even walk with a cane that people find somewhat menacing,
rather than seeing it as an aid to your mobility.  You like an urban lifestyle,
with little time for nature or the more rural pleasures of life.  This
fast-paced lifestyle suits you, and you wish everyone around you would just
shape up.
the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid

You're Compassion Fatigue!

by Susan Moeller

You used to care, but now it's just getting too difficult. You cared
about the plight of people in lands near and far, but now the media has bombarded you
with images of suffering to the point that you just don't have the energy to go on.
You've become cold and heartless, as though you'd lived in New York City for a year or
so. But you stand as a serious example to all others that they should turn off their TV
sets and start caring again.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Both of these are so perfect!
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