Aug 25, 2004 22:34
Don't really have much to say.
The past week has been a lot of nothing. Well, I shouldn't say that. I spent most of the weekend just watching people pack. I spent a lot of time with Liz and said goodbye and all that. I think we left things pretty well - we sorta got a chance to reconnect over the summer, which was nice. Sunday I saw "The Wizard of Oz" at Strathmore with Sharon, Kate, and Nora. Sara joined us for chillage at Silver Diner afterwards. Nice to hang out with all of those folks since the majority of my social life this summer revolved around Harry, Liz, and Brendan. Monday I saw Elizabeth Inkellis for the first time all summer which is ironic since this is the first summer in years we were both at home and yet we still didn't manage to spend any time together. Oh, well. Hopefully she'll make some trips up to the city during the year. Other then that I've just been doing a lot of shopping in preparation for moving back next week.
High point of the week was definitely hanging out with Carl last night. It sounds like Aspen was amazing. Makes me feel incredibly lazy considering the miniscule amount of practicing I've done this summer, but that's ok. We went to see "Garden State" in Bethesda and who should we see buying ice cream in Giffords as we're buying tickets, but the lovely Miss Charlotte Graham! Unfortunately we couldn't convince her to ditch her friends and hang out with us, but that's ok. "Garden State" is an amazing movie. Anybody who's reading this and hasn't seen it yet needs to get up and go see it NOW! I can't really say what it is that made it so great, but I just really connected to it. Zach Braff is a genius. Natalie Portman is also really great in this movie. It's amazing how much more of her talent is revealed when she's working with a good actor. I'd like to see it again once my initial reaction has settled.
So that's it. I'm just bumming around now. The cleaning bug has hit so I'll probably be up late tackling the black hole that is my room. Fun Fun Fun.