Dec 20, 2005 19:06
&& m a y b é i thought i could be
over you i wasn`t ready to leave you ever_x3
LOVE CHRiSTMAS ______________x3
so third period cheered me up!! weirdly...thanx to my friiends?? well i never was sad or anything but someone sorta toldme something that they thought but then i went with that thought && decided to make that thought truee? yeaaa theen ughh the weiird part was ms. shorwz played a SCARRY game in english...._________x3
fourth period-fifth=boring...._________x3
sixth period- eleni && me talk & talk & talk && call brittney... THE GRiNCHH ahhh she is gonna slap me && then have a biig fight but first we are gona call her a white
grinch that is a meean one... haha that is hertheme song...MS. WHITE GRINCH IS AMEAN ONE...SHE LOOKS DIFFERENT EVERYDAY... lol u know i`m kidding with you brittney but it is F U N N Y lol good times again at lunch with eleni ...._________x3
OMG CCD WAS THE BOMB TODAY!!! thanks to mike !! wahoo goo mike!! because he was talking to his mom && he was suppose to be at the play but then mr. baffay screams && goes you know what I AM LEAVING ALL OF YOU CAN GO SEE THE PLAY && HAVE FUN I AM GOING HOME BECAUSE YOU ALL WASTE MY TIME HERE CLASS IS CANCELED FOR TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but it was soo mean because mike didnt do anythingexcept ask him if he can go see his little sister at the play!!!!!! well we had a great time without him!!first we went into the gym with all the little 2nd graders going to start there play AWWW!!! then we had to set up the table with all the snacks!! OMG && then we like played hang man with the gifts i gave out like whao...then the candii mr. baffay gave us... && then lolipop`s from jazzmine!! that had santa claus haha!!!!! omg andtotally when we watched the cute lil star that was backwards sing!!!!!!!! omg yeahh so that ws really cool!!! then when i got the gift haha like woahh.. yea so then we stole many cookies && cupcakes && basically anything you can think of!! yeahh so it was really really cooll!! lol then we sorta hanged out.OHH && SINCE IT WAS ONLY ME, JAZMiNE, REBECCA, LiDiA, KAiTLYN, AJ, & MiKE WE GOT MORE CANDii!! haha how do u say ur last name mike...ughh r-eeeeee-vishhhhhh. aj--like revish candii haha!! well soo many more good times that day but that is the best ccd class with you guys !!____x3
christmas is in 5 more days!...._________x3