
Sep 11, 2003 03:04

stolen form daddyslilpeanut a long time ago

15 Years Ago, I: (1988 - 11/12yrs old)
1. was in year 6 (last year of primary school before highschool)
2. sung at the Sydney opera house for school choir
3. went to Indonesia for month (time with dad)
4. read my first porno mag (it had Samantha fox in it...)
5. started to appreciate music, and understand it

10 Years Ago, I: (1993 - 16/17yrs old)
1. spent another month in Indonesia & went to Bali for the 3rd time (time with dad again)
2. got into photography doing it at school
3. did computers for the first time at school and realised that most ppl have no clue
4. started my Higher School Certificate (last 2 years of high school before university)
5. i got my pet rat called meggsie (had her for 3 years)

5 Years Ago, I: (1998 - 21/22yrs old)
1. went to Australian Uni games to play Kendo it was in Melbourne and i got picked up but the cops for being drunk
2. fell in love with my last girlfriend (Jess)
3. lived with my best friend groovemerchant and his family
4. built a cool billycart for steph and spent a lot of time driving it myself
5. lost both my grandparents (dads side, they died 2 weeks apart)

3 years Ago, I: (2000 - 23/24yrs old)
1. moved into first independent home with Jess
2. worked with IBM for technical services for the 2000 Olympics
3. broke up with jess... very heartbroken
4. met Miguel Indurain (winner of Tour De France 91-95) and just missed out meeting Eddy Merckx another cycling god
5. lost my uncle (mums side) to a heart attack

1 Year Ago, I: (2002 - 25/26yrs old)
1. had a flatmate for the first time in a year, don't have one now though
2.took a semester off Uni to look at where i am in my life
3. met a friends family and became extended family to them
4. lost a University friend to suicide
5. lost my father to stroke

Yesterday, I:
1.played trivia at uni
2. worked on 3 assignments
3. had plastic macaroni and cheese for dinner
4. had a caramel malt milkshake mmm my favourite
5. cried myself to sleep

Today, I:
1. played trivia at the pub
2. worked on 3 assignments
3. had a caramel malt milkshake
anyone noticing a pattern?
4. finally made a new journal entry
5. had pizza for dinner

Tomorrow, I:
1. will work on 3 assignments & hopefully finish 2
2. will pay my bills ...grrr
3. will go to the neighbourhood centre, maybe need to go soonish
4. hope to fall asleep easily
5. will have another caramel malt milkshake

5 Snacks I Enjoy:
1. caramel malt milkshake well der...
2. Vegemite on toast
3. grapes
4. monte carlo's
5. Red Rock Deli sweet chilli & sour cream potato chips

5 Things I'd Buy With $1000:
1. a new monitor for my computer
2. a new bike i need to get back to riding
3. some decent clothes
4. a bottle of 18yr old Genfeddich scotch
5. a stack of CD's

Top 5 Musicians Lately:
1. Rammstein
2. Led Zepplin
3. The Pogues
4. Red Gum
5. Iron Maiden

3 Bad Habits I Have:
1. sleeping in, only cos I’m so damn tired
2. procrastinating
3. eating at the computer

3 Interests at the moment:
1. billycarts
2. computers
3. music

3 TV Shows I Like: well ones that are on
1. Enterprise
2. rage (music videos)
3. M.A.S.H yer i know its old but its still good

4 Places I've Lived:
1. Cooma
2. Kiama
3. Bathurst
4. SE Asia

My Top 3 Biggest Worries at the Moment:
1. Uni
2. finding a job
3. a girl....

My Top 5 Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1. music
2. time with friends
3. trivia
4. a good nights sleep (when I get one)
5. a good meal
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