Title: Saxophone
Category: Dead Poets Society
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Knox Oversteet (Josh Charles), Charlie Dalton (Gale Hansen)
Summary: Charlie gives Knox a lesson of music, hope and love
The day turned into the evening. The sunset began and the last sunbeams stroke Knox’s face gently. Knox was on his way to the cave. He wanted to make plans to win ‘the most beautiful girl’, Chris Noel, a cheerleader of Ridgeway High.
Knox was so obssessed with her that his thoughts were just full of her; it was completely crazy. Suddenly, he heard a sound. It was a sound from a saxophone...
“Charlie, it must be Charlie!”was the first thought, Knox got. He smiled, ran to the cave’s entrance and climbed carefully into the cave. “Charlie?” Knox asked shyly.
Then, the music stopped and a harsh voice answered: "Yeah,it’s me! Knoxious, whats’up?”
Knox smiled brightly as he looked over to his best friend. Charlie was sitting on a rock, which was covered with thick green moss. He was wearing his light-brown pullover, dark-green trousers, brown sneakers and his fabulous cap,that made his whole outfit perfect.
Charlie had also his saxophone tied around his shoulders and held the instrument like something sacred. It was all in all a beautiful picture.
“Nothing special. I just went for a walk to have some freedom and to have some time to think about Chris... I truly love her!”
Charlie raised his eyebrows:”Wow, you’re very serious!” Then he stood up and walked aound in the cave. “Maybe, you could write her a poem?”
Knox looked up and frowned: “Hell no!.I can’t write good stuff!”
Charlie smirked and nodded. He continued walking through the cave.
But at the third round, he got an idea. “I got it! Women love it when someone’s playing music for them. I could teach you to play saxophone!”
But Knox frowned again: “Play an instrument? Me? Are you kidding?”
“No, I’m serious, she’ll love it, I swear! Come on, let’s start now!”Charlie said and let himself fall down behind Knox on the muddy ground. He laid the saxophone into Knox’ lap and took his arms around Knox’s shoulders so he could control his actions. Knox groaned, but took the instument carefully in his hands; it was heavier than he expected too...
“That’s right, now put the fingers of your left hand on the upper holes and the fingers of your right on the lower ones!”Charlie explained and laid his hands on Knox’ hands.
He felt a shiver on Knox’s body as their fingers touched.
“Okay good. Now you have to blow.” Knox obeyed and suddenly, a very deep sound fulfilled the cave. Charlie got excited and clapped into his hands: “Our Knox is a musician by birth, we always knew it!” Knox flushed but was also proud of himself. “Thank you, Charlie!”, he whispered. Then, he suddenly got inspired and started to play the instrument again; the result was a very sweet, but also a melancholy song,which touched Charlie so deeply he had to wipe away some tears. Then, Charlie bent his head to Knox’s neck and kissed it softly. Knox shivered everywhere and tried hard to concentrate on playing, but it was too hard, so he just let it drip out of his hands. Charlie was moving his lips now through Knox’ brown hair and then, he soaked in their scent, which smelled like soap.
Knox moaned slightly and leaned against Charlie’s chest. He could feel Charlie’s hammering heartbeat against his back and smiled.
Suddenly, Charlie whispered into Knox’s ear: “Now I know what the captain meant.
The cave is a magical place. I think I’m swooning.”
“Guess what? I’m swooning too” Knox whispered back.
Charlie chuckled.”What are we going to do about that?”he asked in a falsely innocent voice.
Before Knox could answer, Charlie pushed him on his back, sat himself onto his lap and began to kiss him passionately. At first, Knox was too shocked to enjoy Charlie’s caresses, but then he relaxed and responded to them. Charlie moaned into Knox’s mouth and fumbled violently with Knox’s clothes. Knox helped him to take his and Charlie’s clothes off and finally both boys were semi-naked. Knox breathed heavily and tried hard to calm down. Charlie looked concerned into his friend’s face and asked him, while stroking his right cheek: “You’re okay?” Knox nodded: “Yeah, I’m fine, don’t worry” and kissed him softly. “I’m sorry, it wasn’t my intention to rush you” Charlie mumbled against Knox’ lips. “It’s alright” Knox replied and continued kissing him. Then, Charlie flung his arms around Knox’s upper body and let his hands run over Knox’s silky skin. Knox felt a gooseflesh crawling over his skin and laughed quietly. “What?” Charlie asked while kissing Knox’ collarbones. “I just love the way you touch me” Knox answered and stroked gently over Charlie’s pale stomach. Charlie moaned slightly and said smirking: “I hope so!” Then he slowly pulled away to take a look at his watch: “Oh my, it’s nearly 2 am and I didn’t finished my poem yet for Keating’s lesson tomorrow...no not for tomorrow, for TODAY! Jesus...” Knox blinked, still so high of Charlie’s touches and kisses. But then he got pulled to his feet and Charlie almost throw him his pullover into his arms. “Charlie...?” “He, what?” Charlie asked. “...I love you” Knox whispered.
Charlie smiled slightly ,went forward and embraced Knox very tightly. “I love you too, baby. Sorry that I just broke up our lovemaking, but I just thought...it’s not that we can’t repeat that, right? We can come back tomorrow in the evening, if you want!” Knox nodded: “I really want to!” Then he freed himself from Charlie’s arms and kissed him on the lips. After that, Charlie put Knox’s coat over his shoulders, took his hand and lead him out of the cave.
Both boys went home to Welton, hand in hand.
For the first time, Knox hadn’t thought about Chris...