mind vs. self image

Feb 13, 2005 14:31

"And I'm not so sure
if I'm sure of anything anymore
Well this is the last night (this is the last night)
that you'll be keepin'
secrets from me"

Go sit by your window and take a real hard long look outside...what do you see?  If someone were to sit in the exact spot at the exact time and look out the exact same window the exact way you did...would they see everything you saw, as you saw it?  It seems very un-appealing to ask yourself questions you know have no real answer to them...I can't help but do it though.  My mind is the windown and the person sitting there looking out of it is the self image of me...of you...or of anyone else who thinks as I do.  Is it so hard to believe that we see only the things our mind wants us to see?  Like we gave ourself some kind of block.  We see the car crashes on the road as they happen.  I garuntee you though...if you were the loved one of someone in that crash, you would see it in a whole new darkness.  Do the things I say even make sense to you?  If not it's because you don't want them too.  Are you too scared to see the reality of my vision?  Or are you just too ignorant?  Being ignorant is another one of those mind blocks you've given yourself...except this time the block has taken over every aspect of that image, memory, vision, ect...to a point where you know nothing futher about it.  There has to be a way to rid your mind from these block...but how?  This question is one I have no answer for.  I am sure nobody has an answer for.  What does this mean about the question then?  Is there something out there that doesnt want us to know?  I know some of you are probably thinking God is...why would God hide these things from us though?  Is he protecting us?  And if so, from what?  How can you protect yourself form something you know nothing about?  To protect yourself from and STD is to wear a condom or just don't have sex.  What if we didnt' know the meaning of an STD?  The protection we had from these illness would be a lot less effective almost, if not totally to the point of not working.  Why does our mind give us these questions knowing we won't find the answer to them?  Is it testing our self image to see what extent we will go as we search for this answer...or is it just so we will cloud ourselves with this question...loosing focus of the things that are really import just long enough for our mind to take over and control everything we do to the point we can't even control our mind the little we can now to hold on to everything.  What if we were to hold on to nothing.  Everything we see is out of control.  What if you saw the exact same thing out that window that the last person before you saw.  Does this mean everything i'm talking about is nonsense and doesn't matter?  Or does it mean that our mind has already beaten us to the punch and is providing our self image with a mask to protect us from the unseen?  Things our out there and things are happening that we have no idea about.  We don't even care about.

Chris Moore
February 13, 2005

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