Name: Hannah
Previously stamped as: main-snow white
scene- ariel's fork scene
dress- snow white's dress
What are some positive, attractive traits about you?: I'm happy, creative, dorky, I try to be nice (it doesn't work sometimes...), and I daydream all the time, which can be good or bad
And some negative not-so-attractive traits?: lazy, procrastinator, unorganized, undecisive
What is one important thing you have learned in your life so far?: that in the end it pays of to be the "good one", even it feels awkward or uncool
Would you like to change anything?: I would like to bot be such a huge procrastinator and work a little harder
What are your goals and dreams for the future and present: well, I want to do well in school and get into a good college and get a career doing something I love. I'm too young for a "relationship" right now, but I want some romance someday
What are your hobbies?: I like reading, writing, watching movies and plays, and hanging out with my friends
What personal belonging of yours has sentimental value? Why? any of my jounals from when I was younger. They make me think of being a kid again, and they make me laugh
Choose two:
[x) Love
[] Curiosity
[ ] Ambition
[ ] Strength
[] Freedom
[x] Knowledge
[] Adventure
[ ] Trust
[ ] Tolerance
[ ] Faith
This or that:
[X] Optimism [ ] Pessimism
[ ] Idealism [X] Realism
[/ ] Extrovert [/] Introvert (it depends on who I'm with)
[x] Caution [ ] Risk
[ ] Light [x] Dark