
Initial introduction and thoughts

Jun 04, 2001 21:22

Well, I havent kept a diary in years and I thought it might be a good time to restart. The possibility of having a silent confessor (or in this case a million net-linked confessors) isn't a bad one. Well, to be more accurate, it will provide a focus to collect my thoughts - strange ephemeral things that lately have taken to floating randomly through my waking hours, often ignoring protocols or structure.

Who am I? See the profile: I'm just an idealistic romantic (sounds like a contradiction but it isn't really).

Eight months ago I was a different person. I was confidant, on top of my game, doing well financially, happy with life and my friends (and I have some wonderful friends). All in all life was pretty good.

No girlfriend or SO but that was the only thing missing and I wasn't stressing over it too much.

Then came The Bad Times. I've read that some psychologists believe that extended periods of bad luck are merely perceptions of the patient. They claim that during the bad times we only notice other 'bad things' and thye colour our perceptions, biasing our views and recollections and in turn probably adding to our troubles through a diminished mood. While there may or may not be some truth to that I have to say that there are also times when things just career out of control.

Could I have stopped it? In retrospect I probably could have stopped the slide, but it wasn't evident at the time.

More details on that later.

And now? Well, let's just say that the past 6 months have been a dark and trying time full of hardship, stress, problems, confusion, tragedies and farcical occurences.

With ONE exception. And that exception may be the only bright light of the void but by god it's a bright one. It may even cancel the others out even though many of them are yet to be resolved. Yes, I fell in love... though even that has a dark tinge in it.

Tune in for the next episode where details will probably be forthcoming.
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