Nov 18, 2007 13:15
Friday was the final performance of The Dwarfs/Flu Season, which was the rep. show I was one of the Stage Managers for. It was a relief knowing that some of my time would free up, but also a wee bit upsetting. But any depressed thoughts were quickly taken care of with our after party last night, which I had the bright idea to host at my apartment.
there are 82 crew members on the show. there are 20 actors on the show. My apartment is a two bedroom, and my roommate is away in England and thus his room was off limits for the majority of the party.
...It got a bit cramped.
I said BYOB but what showed up was ridiculous. a 40 of rum, a 40 of vodka, 3 12 packs, 7 bottles of wine, various mickies of tequila, Jack, and other liqours of the like. And, because our Technical Director knows that we're all lushes, a texas mickie of smirnoff.
If you are unfamiliar with the term Texas Mickie, it is 4 litres of booze. You know those giant inflatable whiskey bottles for promotional purposes at stores? it's that but glass and filled with polish delight. The thing came with a pump. I'll repeat that: the thing came with a pump. Pump action vodka.
only about 45 showed up, which was a good number for the space I had. The booze to person ratio was consistant and we were all ready to tackle the Mount Everest of hangovers. Which I'm feeling slightly right now, and I have a feeling I'll reach the summit by midday.
Overall it was a great success, and the property damage is surprisingly minimal. I'm just thankful that for our second show, some other poor bastard is taking over hosting duties.