Dec 23, 2005 20:45
Two days until Christmas, and the day I was supposed to go to the Carter Spirit Assembly. That didn't pan out unfortunately due to my mother's aggravated shoulder muscle, and thus she needed a strong young man to help her around the house. Since there were none available, I had to do.
So what's been happening lately? Playing catch up with old, friends, new friends, recurring friends, and syndicated daytime friends. It's been really cool to see everyone again over the holiday break, and makes me realize how much I miss everybody. However, we get 4 months this summer, so in between working, it leaves a lot of time hopefully to hang out.
Jess's and mine's party went quite well, and special thanks to my very good friends Paul and Mike for helping me lug a 20 pound suitcase full of liquor in the snow to Ajax. No, I'm not making that up.
Senior Drama Night at Carter was excellent, so Kudos to everyone who was in it, and I even enjoyed Midsummer Nights dream for the 5th time around.
I'm headed up to Quebec with my family and my buddy Robin for New Years, and when I get back my wisdom teeth need to be removed. Joy of joys. I hope to fuck I don't get a dry socket, as I hear those are quite painful.
So here's wishing you all a Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/Ramadan/Festivus/Annual Gift Giving Day. Hope that you get what you want for the holidays, and then some more, because I know all of you are greedy bastards.