(no subject)

Nov 03, 2006 15:59

your only doing this because your jelous i said no to you. and yes to jess.

wtf yo.

i wanted to fight rob back liek 3 months ago. not at all now. i dont CAREEEEEEEEEEE if i really wanted to kick his ass. I WOULD HAVE COME TO YORU SCHOOL ALREADY AND DONE SO BUT I DONT WANNNNNNNNNNT TO!! dont you get it?! if i WANTED to be with you i WOULD HAVE SAID YES.. BUT I DIDNT!!!

meanwhile, you say your going to punch my semi date in the face and get people after her. AND say my sister wont make it through gr9, and its going to be a HELL of a year for her? uhm when you told student council that i was gunan beat up your date, I LAUGHED. if they really saw a concern in me doing it i think she would have revoked my ticket and refunded me.

but NO your just mad at me and starting drama that is COMPLETELY UNNESSICISARY!!


if you dont care about me liek you say you dont. then why care if im going to semi with someone else? are you jelous im no longer with you? because I BROKE UP WITH YOU!?

this is so stupid and pointless. if i wanted to hurt him. i wouldnt wase $35 to do so!
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