Apr 09, 2011 13:32
Doudak I.A.
RDM Ltd., 220004,Korolya 9,112, Minsk Belarus
Bose-Einstein condensation and successive phase transition.
The field of Bose-Einstein condensation of atomic gas has continued to progress rapidly./1/
We studied the successive phase transitions in ferroelectrics in the mid 1980 /2,3/
We suggested that molecules of this substances had the quantum states of energy about kT.
Then we suggest, that with the change of temperature there was Bose-Einstein condensation,
whereby a macroscopic number of identical molecules occupy the same quantum state /2-5/.
Theoretically was predicted the possibility of Bose-Einstein condensation in this substances
and explained the successive phase transitions/2-5/.
1.J.R.Anglin , W.Ketterle Bose-Einstein condensation of atomic gases. Nature 2002, v.416,pp.211-218.
2.V.S.Gorelik,I.A.Dudak,V.V.Bogatko, Yu.N.Venevtsev The temperature pecularietes of Nonelastic scattering spectral intensity in SrTiO3 and KTaO3.Ferroelectrics,1988,vol.80,pp125-128.
3.Yu.N.Venevtsev, V.I.Muromtsev ….I.A.Doudak Identical system of peculiar temperatures points.In the book :Systema osobich temperaturnich tochek tverdich tel.Moscow,Nauka,1986,p.86.
4.I.A.Doudak,V.I.Muromtsev Analyzes of theoretical approaches to describing of successive phase transitions in SrTiO3. Thesisi dokladov 1X Vsesoyuznoi conferencii po fizike ferroelectriov.Nauka,Kiev,1986,v.1,p.86.
5.I.A.Doudak Data of EPR-relaxation and IK-spectroskopy about metastable states and successive phase transitions in ferroelectrics and magnet solutions.Avtoreferat kandidatskoi dissertacii.Moscow, NIPHI im.Karpova L.Ya.1987.
bose-einstein condensation