Recipe swap! Any takers?

Mar 26, 2016 20:23

It's been a while since I've done a recipe swap, and I find myself with a hankering. Who's game? I thought for theme we'd say "Summer Savories," and the recipes we send out will be our favorite tasty goodies for the hot, lazy months. Whether it's a drink recipe, a picnic favorite, a sweet confection to serve up with a side of cold lemonade -- share it!

To participate, PM me or email [] me your contact information. You'll send one recipe card to every participant no later than April 18th, and it would be awesome if we all tried to make each of the recipes before the end of the summer (say, late August)! If you have any dietary restrictions, please include them in your e-mail.

I'm excited, guys! These things are always my favorite. I'm already scouring my recipe book for something good to send out...

recipe swap

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