Nov 14, 2014 11:48

I meant to post this days ago, but I've been bogged down with grading. Yeeeesh!

I went to the mailbox earlier in the week and found to my great surprise and delight that I had received a letter from none other than aalia7! If you've never gotten one, you're truly missing out, for it is a treat on any occasion and in particular when it is unexpected. When I opened the envelope, however, I was confused: I found a beautifully calligraphied card, but the message on the front was perplexing.

Sympathy? Who had I lost? My gran passed away months ago! When I opened the card, however, all was made clear:

YOU GUYS I LOVE MY FRIENDS. This may be the best card I've ever received. Thank you, Aalia!!!

No but really I am devastated I thought our love was forever ;_;

aalia7, friends, crafts, benedict cumberbatch

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