Yet another nerdy quiz

May 06, 2014 09:06

This may be the nerdiest yet! I have a grand total of 13 fandoms included on this quiz. I wasn't going to offer extra credit on this one, but I ended up telling the students that if they could identify all the literary and television/movie references, I would give them 5 points. I'll probably end up giving them a point for each one. What can I say? I guess I'm feeling generous. Not like it's going to make much difference on their grades.


1.       Lady Mary may seem _______________________________ at first glance; however, when you get to know her, she is actually quite outgoing and enjoys a good conversation.
2.       Pete and Trudy _______________________________-ed on the dance floor at Roger’s party until Trudy claimed she was getting too dizzy to continue.
3.       Brienne was known for her _______________________________ to any cause she took up. When Lady Catlyn asked her to save her daughters, Brienne would not stop until the girls were safe.
4.       The Doctor frowned when he saw how River had _______________________________-ed the temple in order to leave him a note carved on top of ancient, holy hieroglyphics.
5.       Loki became a _______________________________ when he attempted to steal the throne from Odin. Afterwards, he was locked away in prison and hardly anyone took the time to visit him.
6.       Mr. Darcy is the _______________________________ of good breeding; he always knows exactly what to say and how to say it despite his personal feelings towards the person with whom he is speaking.
7.       The battle turned into a _______________________________ when the alien army quadrupled in size and completely destroyed mid-town Manhattan.
8.       Severus Snape was probably the most disliked _______________________________ at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Nevertheless, he knew how to teach and his students always passed their exams.
9.       “We shouldn’t giggle, it’s a crime scene,” Sherlock said. One look at John, however, and they burst out in a fit of laughter at the _______________________________ of the ridiculous situation.
10.   Harry was surprised to find that Dumbledore was _______________________________ in Mermish, a language spoken only by merpeople and a select few witches and wizards.
11.   Chaos _______________________________-ed after Eve opened the book of the dead and released the murderous mummy Imhotep.
12.   Rick declared a _______________________________ that no one in the camp was to go outside alone after dark because it was simply too hard to protect individual people from attacking zombies.
13.   Merry and Pippin _______________________________-ed on top of the table with their mugs of ale while singing a song praising their favorite pub, The Green Dragon.
14.    Captain Picard had a _______________________________ towards Earl Grey tea. If he served anything else, he will simply refuse to drink it (and it must be served hot).
15.    Master Yoda had a hard time keeping order among all of the young Jedi-in-training. Sometimes, they were far too _______________________________ for him to teach.

I have wildcard_47 to thank for supplying me with fandoms. I literally worked on this quiz while she sat next to me on the couch; every time I needed to start a new sentence I demanded "ANOTHER" fandom :)

teaching, nerdiness

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