Nerdy teacher strikes again!

Apr 24, 2014 10:26

I think this may be the nerdiest vocabulary quiz I've put together yet! It's certainly the most diverse as far as amount of fandoms referred to is concerned. See how many you can name! And how well do you know your high school level vocabulary??


1.       Simon _______________________________-ed the antiseptic ointment onto Kaylee’s open wound before covering it with clean bandages.
2.       The villagers sang _______________________________s to Jayne, a man they considered almost a god after he saved their time from destruction years ago.
3.       In Edgar Allan Poe’s tale “The Pit and the Pendulum,” a man is tortured and then killed by an _______________________________-ing blade hanging on the end of a rope that eventually cuts him in two.
4.       Katniss quickly created a _______________________________ of food and water bottles that she hid from the other tributes so that she wouldn’t go hungry in the arena.
5.       The civilians’ fear was _______________________________ as Loki walked among the people and threatened to kill them if they did not bow down to his every whim.
6.       Hermione _______________________________-ed Ron and Harry for their failure to study; if they continued to be so lazy, she warned, they were sure to fail their upcoming exams.
7.       Dumbledore’s facial features were _______________________________ as Draco threatened to kill him. He didn’t even grimace or frown when the young man insulted him.
8.       Effie Trinket loves to use the false _______________________________ “When you put pressure on it, even coal can become pearls!”
9.       Katniss helped Rue stretch the _______________________________ plastic tarp over their heads to keep the rain off of their bodies while they slept.
10.   John gave _______________________________ to Major Sholto by saluting him in proper military fashion when the major came to John’s wedding.
11.   The Doctor was appalled to find that the nurses had infected their test subjects with every imaginable _______________________________ known to mankind in the name of “science.”
12.   The _______________________________ knelt before the king and pleaded for mercy.
13.   Sherlock _______________________________-ed the file from his computer so that Inspector Lestrade wouldn’t know that he was investigating the high profile case.
14.   King Joffrey _______________________________-ed Ser Barristan from his job in the King’s Guard even though the knights are supposed to serve their king for life.
15.   Security at the Erudites’ headquarters was _______________________________ enough that Tris was able to sneak in unnoticed to visit her brother.

Thank you, XKCD.

teaching, nerdiness

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