Jan 17, 2014 12:48

...my fic is done!!

Before you say "JORDAN, shouldn't you be teaching/grading right now and not writing/reccing fic," let me say that the Internet at school has been crapping out all day, making entering grades increasingly difficult. Add to that the fact that my students have been testing in my room all morning and the silence was slowly driving me insane (I like to have a little background noise when I'm working, preferably a TV show playing quietly), and my decision to pound out the last chapter of "The Beast Inside" is... slightly more acceptable?

Right or not, I finished it(!!) and wildcard_47 was gracious enough to beta practically at the drop of a hat. She's already written me back, I've uploaded the final installment, and I am proud to say that it is, at last, complete.

No real huge accomplishment, of course, as it's only a five chapter work, but I've been musing on this story for even longer than I've been writing it, and it just feels so good to have it out there.

So if you'd like to give it a read, head over over to AO3 and go for it!

Title: The Beast Inside
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Eleventh Doctor/River Song
Genre: Gen fic, hurt/comfort, and some fluff thrown in for good measure
Summary: The Doctor and River are forced to face some hard truths when River nearly manages to kill the Doctor (again).
LINK: http://archiveofourown.org/works/675212/chapters/1235874

fan-fic, squee, doctor who

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