All Hallow's Read 2013

Sep 18, 2013 08:37

It's that time of year again! I know that a number of you are already doing swaps right now, but I couldn't pass up the chance to share in the fun with those of you who are up for it.

All Hallow's Read is an annual book swap inspired by author Neil Gaiman. To participate, all you would need to do is choose a book that is either A) Halloween-themed, B) Scary, C) Autumn-themed, or something else entirely that you think appropriate for the season. The book does not have to cost you anything: if you are willing to pass on a book that you already own, awesome! Used books? Brilliant!

If you would like to be a part of this swap (pleasepleaseplease) either because you love to read, you enjoy swaps, or Halloween is your favorite holiday, leave me your name and your address in the comments of this post. Books should be post-marked by October 21st, and you are encouraged to include a little note to the new reader and/or a Halloween card (homemade is always appreciated, of course). Depending on how many people sign up, I would be willing either to have everyone send one book to each person, or I can assign partners. We'll figure that out in the next week or so.

Please sign up by next Wednesday, September 25th. This was sooooo much fun last year! I got two books that I absolutely fell in love with, and I was able to pass on some really fun reads, as well.


EDIT: Comments should be screened now. Sorry about the confusion!

all hallow's read, halloween, friends, books, swap

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