Unimportant updates and random thoughts of randomness

Oct 23, 2012 17:37

I've been feeling on-and-off crummy the last two days. Nothing to really complain about, but my throat was bothering me yesterday and I had a weird, pseudo-nausea and headache bout around lunchtime this afternoon. I guess I should be crossing my fingers and saying my prayers that I don't catch whatever ridiculous plague is decimating our staff at present. So many teachers out!!

I started reading a new book last night thanks to a lovely package from snowie44. She participated in my All Hallow's Read exchange, sending me a copy of John Saul's Black Creek Crossing. It's supposed to be quite creepy with a surprising ending. I laughed when I saw a review from "Playboy" quoted on the back, but is that really as bad as having Stephanie Meyer review a book and consider it an "expert opinion"? Nahhhh. Whatever the case, it's been an interesting read so far, and I'm curious to see how the supernatural element develops!

Honey Badger and I went to a house-warming/house blessing party this weekend. Although I'm familiar with the ancient custom of blessing a home (through prayer, incense, buried idols, etc.), I've never witnessed the modern version. A priest from her church was in attendance, and together we ran through the equivalent of a mini mass that took us through each room and included a special prayer for each. It was nice, albeit very formal, and I'm starting to wonder what I should do when (I should probably still say "if") I get my place. Did anyone do anything special to consecrate their home? Suggestions are welcome!

house, literature, complaints

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