Recipe Swap Update!

Feb 03, 2012 13:34

For all of you lovely ladies who pitched their tents on the bandwagon that is the First Ever Recipe (nomnomnom) Swap:

I have sent out my recipe cards! If you would all be so kind as to either respond to this entry or PM/e-mail me to let me know when it arrives via snail mail, I would be immensely grateful. I don't trust the U.S. mail, and I'm always afraid upon sending some letter or package out into the world that it will never reach its destination. So set my mind at ease as soon as can be!

You should all have received a document through e-mail that gave everyone participating's addresses and dietary restrictions. If that hasn't gotten to you, let me know right away! Otherwise, I expect you will all be sending out your recipe cards over the course of the next two weeks.

I'm super excited to get some new recipes and to try them out!!!

recipe swap

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