Not like anyone reads these...

Oct 03, 2011 14:26

...but it's nice to have them down for my own sake.

A conundrum of sorts )

doctor who, angst

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dozmuffinxc October 3 2011, 23:08:49 UTC

Oh ye gods, I adore Doctor Who. It's disgustingly unhealthy, but it's so much fun! If you do decide to give it a go, start at the beginning of the new season one with Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor. The older seasons that span back from the 60s are definitely great to base yourself in, but they're not actually "necessary" and may in fact turn you off watching through their hokiness (unless you're an old school Who fan who's been watching them since the beginning, in which case, you'll adore them to bits and pieces).

It's so funny because I hated River Song when she first showed up back in season... 4, I think it was. But I love her now (almost) as much as I loved Rose with the Doctor. Heck, maybe my River love has surpassed my Doctor/Rose, who knows? It's too early to tell. But River is such a BAMF and she "gets" the Doctor in ways that other companions -- even though we can't really call her a companion, persay -- can't for... reason I won't spoiler you about if you haven't picked up on them from my long, angsty reduxes.

I can't wait to be River this Halloween. I'm actually cutting my hair for the occasion which, if you know me, if a HUGE thing; I don't cut my hair for anyone, and I practically have to be held down for a trim. I just hope I don't regret it!


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