Below the cut, there be spoilers. Angsty, whiny spoilers.

Sep 10, 2011 22:15

I don't know how much longer I can handle this depressing new Who.

"The Girl Who Waited" was so sad, so depressing, and so dark! I know that time travel is dangerous and that there are consequences that have been glossed around in previous seasons, but they're piling on so much this season. Between Amy and Rory being denied the chance to raise their child to River's brainwashing and backwards Doctor timeline, how much more angst are we going to pile on? It's certainly not a children's show anymore, but where's the whimsy? I just feel so bad for the Doctor - he's 930+ years old and he's trying to live a good life, but the writers are just piling it on that he can't do anything right and that everything he touches dies. Gahhh! Doesn't he deserve to be the Doctor who saves the world and has love and happiness in his life?

As for the episode itself, I thought it was quite well done. Karen Gillan gave an astoundingly brilliant performance as future!Amy, remarkable considering I've been grumbling over how mediocre she's been up until now. And poor, poor Rory! He's easily one of my favorite Who characters of all time; I love the actor, and think that he exacts the perfect combination of adorable cluelessness and startling intelligence, bravery and caution.

I'm going to need more time to process. In the meantime, I'm going to keep thinking about River and the adventures that she and the Doctor are having behind the scenes on separate time lines. Otherwise, I'm just going to cry.


doctor who, angst

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