(no subject)

May 31, 2009 21:06

All of my kids showed up at church this morning. Unheard of! They did a great job, and seemed sincere when they said they'd miss me this summer. Those kids make me crazy sometimes, but something about getting hugged by someone 3/4 your size (which is saying something, when you're 4'10") may just be one of the best things in the world.

After doing absolutely nothing today, I've realized that I need some more structure to my day. No more sleeping in until the fancy to rise hits me! Sounds like I need to start keeping up with my bwats, and finding some volunteer work in town to keep me industrious in a mutually beneficial manner.

My "Political Theater in Social Activism" class officially begins tomorrow, but my first assignment isn't due until the end of the week. I'm still waiting for two of my books to come in the mail. I hope that, for the price of the course, it pays off in the long run. Pending grad-school and fellowship applications have me really antsy, and I'm feeling ridiculously ill-prepared for the competition to come.

Crossing my fingers for planting some basil tomorrow!

(**note the snazzy icon by chocoholic47!)

summer plans, to-do, choir

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