(no subject)

Mar 05, 2009 15:32

Why must everything creep up on me so quickly? Bloody housing Phase II starts this weekend and we still don't have a fourth person to make up our flat. Worst case scenario (not terribly, but definitely more expensive) is that elvenlaughter, chocoholic47 and I get singles in the same building. That is, if there's space there. And there freaking well better be! It isn't cheap, and it isn't ideal, but we've run out of options, so there you are.

And then the deadline for my thesis proposal is drawing horrifyingly nearer. I have a short "progress" essay due to my mentor on Wednesday and my primary bibliography is in dire need of expansion. Right now it looks like I'm going to be writing about madness and social deviation in late 18th c., early 19th c. fiction with an emphasis on gothic novels, esp. the Bronte sisters (Anne and Emily in particular). It still feels too broad, but I haven't yet chosen my main texts. It's just a blessing I have a supportive, relatively excited mentor. Bless you, Rosemary. Bless you!

I've picked up my knitting needles again. I'm inbetween three (or four if you count the fourth Doctor's scarf-o'-doom) separate projects, one that I'm attempting to complete by Tuesday. One of my professors just made tenure, and to show her how much we appreciate her--and to assuage some of our guilt at having made her feel so poorly since we apparently threw out some pretty rough end-of-semester evaluations in the fall-- we're throwing her a surprise breakfast on Tuesday and I'm working on a pillow fashioned after the Ghanaian flag. So far, the red stripe for the front is all I have. I'm hoping to knock out half of the yellow mid-section before bed tonight. Wish me luck!

Got a lovely package of books from hp5freak yesterday which made my horrid LF&T class a bit more bearable. Yay Amber! But that class really was vile: the anti-Hutchinson faction really screwed itself over yesterday, and church went on for wwwaaaaaay too long. The one day freaking Gov. Winthrop has to get sick, and we realize just how much we rely on him for efficiency. Dinner at the same professor's house that night wasn't half as awkward it could have been, especially considering how an hour before I was botching up my pastor's remarks. Not only did we have delicious nommage, but his kids are adorable; the littlest one, boy, taught me how to play Mario baseball on the Wii, and the professor (the one who I swear is the Doctor, though his house isn't really any bigger on the inside, nor is his wife blonde) is way sweet with his children. So a good night, if unproductive, and I ended up feeling much better upon leaving then I did going in.

Fellows dinner for the incoming freshman is tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to terrifying the n00bs. *rubs hands together* And suddenly I feel much like Bella must have going into her second or third year at Hogwarts on the Express, watching the ickle first-years pile onboard as she plots their demise. Ehehehe...

elon, thesis, knitting, life

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