"The Next Doctor"

Dec 27, 2008 21:56

In which I shall attempt to reflect coherently (that's hard for me, you know) on the Christmas Special. Spoiler heavy!! Don't read if you're not caught up on your Who!

Thank you. Thankyouthankthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!! I *knew* Russell T. Davies couldn't be that big of a jerk, to leave us with David Morrisey's Children in Need Doctor! Bless you, sir. A wonderful Christmas special, indeed.

The "fake" Doctor grew on me, I'll admit. Once we got past the ridiculous corn that was the CIN special, there was actual character development *gasp* and I might almost have been able to settle for Morrisey as 11. But it became pretty clear that he would be nothing of the sort within the first six minutes of this newest episode, and I enjoyed the bracing anticipation that kept me watching for new clues. I loved the development of the "why yes, I'm the Doctor. I know, because of my actuallyverylimited learnings!" From the "the Doctor's companion always does what they're told" line (*coughsputtergag*) to the grand reveal of the "TARDIS." I ended up feeling awful for Morrisey's befuddled (and blessedly minor) character-- at least until I was sucked up into the angst that was Ten.

And Ten was adorable. Self-sacrificing and heroic as always, but there was an extra twang of pity added in after the finale of S4 and Rose's exit. I could go on for pages as to how hurt I was about Rose and hand!Doctor, but I'll save it for another post. Suffice it to say that, although it was the only real resolution that we could've had since companions can't, being mortal, stick around forever. I was crossing my fingers to the end that Rose would be *the* Companion, but it hardly seems fair that she's allowed to live our her life in the parallel Earth with her own Ten while the real Doctor goes on without her, knowing that she has the replacement that he can never have. If they go bastardizing RosexDoctor in later seasons, implementing any other pairings, I will go AVADA KEDAVRA on somebody's arse. Seriously.

But I digress.

I managed to stifle tears (how, I'll never know) at the Doctor's final applause. It is about TIME! And he really needed that. Poor thing! "They always break my heart"? And it's so true, because as much as we want to feel for the companions who have their stint with the Doctor and are replaced, it's the Doctor who has to carry on regardless. And he does love them, all of them, and I like to think that he might truly have Loved Rose, despite how devastatingly unfair that turned out to be.

All in all, I liked it. There were some great lines, and the script was actually pretty choice! Then again, I'm a partial judge. But I'll be interested to see how they choose to regenerate into 11, and who they'll end up picking for it.

Many thanks to Grym, who put the idea of Morrisey as being a "fake Doctor" in my head after I ran into her room in a fit, having seen the travesty of an epi that was the Children in Need special. And to all the other Who-fans on the f-list who have put up with my screaming, head-pounding and general whinging over the last few weeks.

And in honor of the special, I'm finally putting the finishing touches on my super-secret DW giftie! Finally. What was meant to be a one-night project turned into a three-week shenanigan, if only because exams robbed me of my life and thus, my knitting time. It's a lumpy, ugly-as-the-eighth-deadliest-sin bugger, but as a prototype and the first (that I know of) of its kind, I like it.

But shh! No more on that topic until it's done and sent out. Can't go giving away the surprise!

doctor who

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