Nov 07, 2005 00:02
or what might be causing my vague symptoms of unpredictable tiredness, heart raching for no reason, light headedness, irritable bowel symptoms, occasional numbness or strange sensations in my fingers or face.... need i go on.
unfortunately as there is no know cause there is no known cure.. and may only be a label - but the "cure" may involve exercise - which does seem to explain why I feel better after exercise - or if I do a lot of exercise - but unfortunately i don't feel like exercising when all i want to do is stay in bed! (and a lot of exercise might mean doing 4 hrs a day - I felt great after doing bike for bibles - which involved an average of 120km per day but I can't do it all the time!)
maybe i should go convince my GP to prescribe me antidepressants after all (she wanted me to try a psychologist first - which kind of helped although I didn't really get on with my psychologist.)
(yes i'm a bit bored - at my friends' place - who have wireless - and so am surfing the web as it is cold and rainy outside.)