or in what countries is it going to be a crime to tell others what the bible says?
in the UK - the government is trying to pass The Racial and Religious Hatred Bill which might be a good idea in principle - but in practice seems to limit freedom of speech.
Some people may find some of the contents of these sites offensive - but remember noone has the right not to be offended. And this is not something that the government or anybody else should be trying to legistrate against.
edit: actually I think their example of a guy prosecuted for holding up a "stop homosexuality" sign is a bad one - apart from being impossible and not exactly biblical! (like saying "stop blue eyes" or something) it's not very constructive and will only turn people off rather than engage people.
However their example of churches being asked to take down their "Jesus is the way, the truth and the life signs" is really worrying. This is actually a direct quote from the bible and happens to be what I believe and is at the core of the gospel message. If muslims were asked to take down their "Allah is the only God and Mohammed is his prophet" signs (which is at the heart of Islam) - which are everywhere actually - they are normally in stylised arabic script - you can be sure that there would be an outcry!