yey no more art and no more english with sawyer. AWESOME!!!!
yeah so art final wasnt to bad but i cant draw and it was 15 pages and it was liek57843758465689 degrees in the room i was dieing. i probally did alright on it.
English jeeze once again the room was 4582467587943 degrees in there. but it was a VERY EASY final it was just long and i thought i was gunna run out of time. 70 mutiply chocie two essays then had to read something in the book and answer ten question. not to bad. yep then came home and watch eurotrip. o my god it was funny i love that movie. ahha yeah. tonight go to a graduation party. and maybe tomorrow i might get my hair cut. how should i get it like this.
comment on what one i should get. and id get side bangs thanks yeah