Sep 03, 2010 01:07
[OOC: A few things for those reading this. Kaden's handwriting in this is nearly illegible; nine out of ten people who read this will just see squiggly lines rather than actual words, unless they're very good at decoding bad handwriting. Also, anything in italics is actually written out in kana/kanji-- I just do not speak nor write nor read any Japanese whatsoever, so I'm not even going to ATTEMPT that. You may pick and choose what it is your character gets out of this journal entry, if anything. Also was only public for a few in-game hours because this was NOT supposed to be in this journal, obviously. If you would like your character to react to it/mention it/have seen it, you still may, but bear in mind this was on the journals from 2:38am to probably about 4am.]
Nightmares again: violent, angry. 10 min 48 sec; started with twitches, muttering
Reactive to touch. Shoulder: convulsions likely due to repeated trauma hides well enough light of day. Face (brushed hair out of eyes): paralysis also due to repeated trauma interesting different reactions -- one violent one passive. Passivity paralysis during waking(?)
14 min 23 sec. Still twitching, increased respiration, small uninitiated movements wrist jerk wings flicking annoyance/anger threat display. Facial expression angry, lips pressed together brow furrow.
Looks beautiful like this. Small. Only been asleep for 27 min 08 sec now. Need pulse rate temperature. Need reaction neck touch:
accidentally public post,
kaden: original creepster