[ooc] Survey...again.

Apr 05, 2010 03:28

In lieu of doing my tags, have a survey. >.>

The Character Physically
1. What is the character's stature and build? Is he overweight? Thin? What is his height and weight?
Kaden's pretty tiny. He's five foot five and very thin (some might say effeminate, but some might also suddenly find their dirty laundry aired to their, say, employers). He's probably somewhere between 110 and 120 lbs.

2. How old is he?

3. Describe his posture. Is it good? Does he carry himself well? Is he crooked? Straight?
Very good. He holds himself well due in part to confidence and in part to having the 'sit up straight and look presentable' ground into him from a very young age; his father didn't really tolerate slouching. He does have a tendency to flop on anything comfortable when he's in his own home, and after so many hours pouring over a computer or textbooks one develops a bit of a slouch anyway, but if he's thinking about it, he's sitting/standing up straight.

4. Is he in good shape or out of condition? Is he muscularly weak or strong?
He's not in terribly good shape simply because he doesn't take care of himself very well; he rarely sleeps and doesn't like to eat, so he does get sick a bit more often than you'd expect, though he doesn't stay sick by some miracle of angelic immune systems or something. He's not incredibly strong, either, being both tiny and not invested in his physical self beyond superficial appearance, but he is an angel. (In 'verses in which he has a more physically adversarial relationship with his sister, such as numbverse -- or genderswaps -- he's a lot physically stronger simply because he has a reason to care about being so. In Riftverse he's strong, but not terribly strong compared to most angels, being an AoK who doesn't take care of himself. Compared to humans, he's still frighteningly strong.)

5. How is his health? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
He rarely sleeps or eats. It's a miracle he's not constantly sick.

6. Is he physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover?
He's a fast mover, but he's not terribly active. Fast striding, but he spends a lot of time...sitting at a desk/table/computer.

7. Is he clumsy, awkward, graceful?
He's not clumsy or awkward, but I wouldn't exactly call him graceful either. Just pretty normal, overall.

8. Does he move in straight or curved lines? Is he physically tight or fluid?
Straight lines, physically more fluid than tight unless it's getting close to reset time.

9. What are his chief efforts?
Advancing his position at his job, school, and Jessi.

10. Is the character good-looking, pretty, beautiful, average, plain, ugly, disfigured?
Probably pretty good looking? He certainly spends enough time on his damn appearance each morning, and if there's one good thing Fuchizaki genetics gave him, it was being weirdly pretty. Possibly a little too pretty for a guy, though.

11. Is the character aware of himself physically? His looks?
Yes. Very. Kaden's pretty fucking vain, pretty fucking concerned about his physical appearance. And he always knows how to move, what facial expression to project, just the sort of thing to do to make sure he's putting forth the right facade; though really, at this point it's almost not a facade any more than it is just another side of him.

12. Describe his complexion and skin. Dark, light, clear, marked?
Somewhat pale for having lived most of his life in California, though he does tan up pretty well in the summer (and makes no effort not to). He's probably got a few tiny scars here and there, but nothing terribly visible -- and those scars are from deep wounds that Midori couldn't quite heal (or didn't quite heal, or didn't heal in time, or...). I know for sure he has a scar on one of his wings from the time his father broke it, but that's hard to spot, being covered in feathers and all.

13. Describe his hair, coloring, styling. Is it taken care of?
Long, bleached golden (well, sometimes he goes so far to make it blond, but usually it's just at the almost-blond stage of browngold). He usually leaves it loose -- it's almost never in a ponytail despite falling just past his shoulders in places -- and straightens it if necessary in the morning. And you wouldn't believe the amount of product that goes into that hair, jesus christ. Kaden spends an inordinate amount of time fiddling with it. You almost never see more than a quarter/third of an inch of roots either; he gets it touched up like, every two weeks or something like that.

14. How is his usual dexterity? Does he have good hands: Can he do things? Is he a worker?
He's very dextrous -- quite a few instrument lessons as a child, none of which he stuck with, plus writing/typing a lot. He has artists' hands, even if he's not so much an artist as he is a scholar: long fingers, thin hands.

15. Is he physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled?
This depends on where he is, both physically and in the reset cycle he has. His public persona is relaxed and easygoing, quick to smile, that sort of thing. This is much easier for him to maintain when he's at the beginning of a reset cycle and the Calling isn't bothering him as much -- especially now that he's working for Biosys and therefore can exorcise it a bit on the job -- but when he hasn't slept in a few days and really really wants to torture the shit out of someone and is running solely on caffeine...yeah, he's gonna be a little tense.

16. What are his chief tension centers?
Wings, definitely. They're kind of where all the tension goes. When they're in, shoulders. If he gets antsy enough, you can tell he's agitated by the way he keeps trying to stretch the tension out of his shoulders, or at least shifts them around enough. The pain doesn't get him, but the itching does.

17. What part of his body would you notice first?
I actually had to ask chat about this, because I never really know, so here's their answer: hair, definitely. And possibly his glasses if he's wearing them at the time.

18. Describe his basic gravity factor. Is there a downward pull or buoyancy?
Again, this depends on what part of the reset cycle he's in. If he's having a good few days, and has gotten "enough" sleep (more than three hours per night, or something like that) then he's probably more toward the buoyant side, but otherwise there's a bit of a definite downward pull that kind of goes against the way he acts (easygoing).

The Character's Clothes
1. How many clothes does this character have?
Not as many as Lily.

2. What items are in his wardrobe?
There are a lot of suits, because he wears those to work/conferences/teaching (sometimes). He's got more than he really needs in terms of button-down shirts, as well, as he wears those both with the suits, just on their own, or over a t-shirt of some sort (those are usually short sleeve button-downs, though). Other than that, there's a few non-suit dress pants/slacks, and then a crapton of jeans. And about as many t-shirts. And of course, nothing that costs below like, $60. Yes, including those t-shirts. Yeah. You should've seen his wardrobe in high school. Given that he went to Japan almost every year. ...he's still got a few holdovers from the era of rebellion (or pseudo rebellion, in his case).

3. What is his favorite article of clothing?
I don't know that he has a particular favorite. He has clothing he doesn't particularly like but will wear if he has to (laundry day and/or well, these pants go really well with this shirt, but... situations). But I don't think there's really any one favorite article.

4. What colors are the clothes? Is there a wide range?
He appears to wear only black/grey or light/pastel colors. What the fuck.

5. Are his clothes bright or dull?
More on the dull spectrum; he doesn't like bold colors all that much. They're more muted than anything, I think.

6. Were they bought or home-made, hand-me-downs, expensive?
Yeah, you know how I said there's like, nothing he owns under $60 when it comes to clothing? I meant that. Bastard totally pays that much for his t-shirts. He's the kind of asshat who'll just as easily buy that $100 pair of "pre-worn" ripped up jeans as drop $700 on a suit if he feels like it.

7. What is one of his favorite items to wear?
....wasn't this asked already? :|

8. Do his clothes fit well?
Yes. Yes they do. If he can't get them in his size, he gets them tailored.

9. Is he comfortable in what she wears?

10. Is he confident about the way he dresses, or uneasy?
Very confident. So confident as to be cocky.

11. Does he care for his clothes? Keep them up and neat?
As much as any overworked 25 year old would. He keeps the suits nice, but the rest of it gets thrown in the general vicinity of the hamper or on the floor of his bedroom when he changes.

12. Does he have to dress a certain way because of his job or position?
Yes. Suits for his job at Biosys -- though that occasionally dips into business casual -- and he prefers to teach some of his classes in them just to be intimidating. Otherwise, no, he can wear whatever the fuck he wants.

13. Does he dress according to a self image of himself?
Kind of, yeah. He's either a rich young professional or a rich young university student, so.

14. What kind of underwear does he wear?
Briefs or boxer briefs.

The Character's Voice
1. Does he speak in a high or low pitch voice?
Higher than he'd like, but still fairly low?

2. Is he a loud or soft talker?
Soft. Not in an intimidated way, just in a "if you want to hear what I'm saying, you should maybe shut up and listen" way.

3. Is there a wide range in the voice in volume, pitch and/or quality, or is the voice pretty consistent and even?
There's not a wide range of volume or pitch, really, though he does range between speaking very clearly and mumbling -- he speaks clearly when he's actively engaged in a conversation with someone, but if he's distracted (usually by Calling or recording) then he mumbles or trails off easily. His laughter is also a lot louder than his speaking voice, so it can be kind of startling -- it's also sharper and shorter. (This is his genuine laugh, not like, chuckling or whatever.)

4. Is there good resonance to the voice?
It's kind of flat, I think. At least, his recorder voice is, and his normal voice actually sounds like a person and not a tape machine, but it's still lacking something. Possibly, you know, the proper emotions behind it.

5. Is there tension in the voice? Anxiety? Emotion?
Not really, unless he's angry about something, and then it more often drops into the recordervoice than shows emotion.

6. Is there an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation? Emphasis? Phrasing?
This depends. I think he occasionally pronounces words oddly (a product of growing up speaking Japanese at home as well as learning words by reading them and not hearing them first), but his English isn't accented. His Japanese is faintly accented, and it annoys him. Any other language he speaks is definitely accented. He's probably got a bit of a California accent anyway, not that I'm incredibly sure what that is -- and I think a lot of the weird pronunciations occasionally cancel that out.

7. Is it a trained voice, or just natural?
The English used to be trained, but he's got enough of a grasp on the language now that it's natural.

8. Does the character "try" to speak well or just "how it comes out"?
He doesn't have to try to speak well.

9. Is the speech clear or muddy? Does she mumble? Is he distinct?
Usually pretty distinct, even when he's mumbling.

10. Is the voice comforting or irritating? Reassuring or disturbing?
He's kind of perfected it to be comforting/reassuring rather than the opposite, in everyday conversation. The opposite comes out in his experiments, when he gets cold and emotionless.

11. Is he self-conscious when he speaks to others?
Hell no.

The Character's Mind
1. Is the character smart, dumb, naive?
Smart, and flaunts it. Or rather, is not ashamed of it.

2. Does he think quickly? Slowly? Is he quick-witted? Dull?
You have to be quick witted and fast thinking to survive in the Fuchizaki family.

3. What kind of education has he had?
This kid has honestly almost constantly been in school since he was four, though not as intensive school as his cousins. He went to an angel only K-8 school and spent most of that in the gifted programs, not to mention private lessons in various things he couldn't get at school in the afterhours and month-long summer camps during summer vacation (or overseas trips, or the both combined). The high school he and Lily went to was technically a boarding school (angel-only again) but they lived close enough that they stayed at home (Ken and Midori actually moved closer to the school so they could go and still be at-home kids). He went to Stanford for three years of undergrad (I think he was either a triple major or a double major with a minor, but I don't know), and then graduated, continued on in grad school at Stanford but ended up transferring to Chicago to take the Biosys job.

4. What subjects does the character have knowledge or expertise in?
I don't even know how much crap Kaden knows -- a shitton? His expertise is obviously psych stuff, though.

5. Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions?
In general, he's very deliberate.

6. Does he think out things before she speaks or can he "think on his feet" as he is speaking?
He tends to think things out, though he's gotten good at doing that pretty quickly. So I guess it's a sort of thinking on his feet, except with a slightly more deliberate edge to it.

7. Does he have contemplative times? What does he think about when alone?
He does. A lot of it is spent doing predictable things, like figuring out what he'd like to do at work next or how his friends'/acquaintances' psyches fit together, but occasionally he does turn inward a bit and try to gauge the Calling or, on the rare occasion, dwell on a certain past mistake.

8. Is he an idealist? A pragmatist? A dreamer? An idea man? An action man?
Dreaming gets you nowhere; it's the doing that means anything. He has ideas and ambitions and he works toward them.

9. Is his life motivated chiefly by abstract ideals or practical rewards?
It's motivated by his Calling and his obsession with his sister. Which is kind of a mix of the two, really.

The Character's Emotions and Personality
1. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?
Introverted, though he can put up a very good pretense of being an extrovert when it suits him.

2. Does he get along well with people? Does he have charm? Are people attracted to him? Does he like people?
This depends on if he's in the mood for them. He can be very charming and charismatic when he wants to, and is otherwise pretty much an asshole. I guess people are occasionally attracted to him? He only likes people insomuch as they're interesting data and he likes seeing how they react to things.

3. Does he have many friends? Any close friends?
He's the sort of guy who has a lot of acquaintances but very few actual friends. Having friends takes too much effort, really. Right now, in Rift, he's only got like, two, including his sister. It's usually just not worth his time to get really close to anyone.

4. Is he hot-blooded or cool-headed?
Very cool-headed, because if he loses control of his temper he tends to do stupid shit like let his Calling get the better of him. Also his wings get twitchier and he doesn't like that much.

5. Does he have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show often?
He has a wide range of emotions, though perhaps not as wide as some, but they don't show very often. Or rather, he only really shows the positive ones, and then only when it's socially appropriate for him to do so.

6. Does he indulge in emotional peaks, outbursts, or valleys? Often?
Not really. Well, again, he'll goof off and have a good time with someone, but it's very hard to get him to show his anger.

7. Would you say he is basically sensitive or callous?

8. Is he suspicious, cautious, trusting, or naive about new people or situations?
He's kind of naturally suspicious, because growing up Fuchizaki, even fail!Fuchizaki, means a lot of your family is going to be constantly playing tricks on you or undermining you. New people, well, he gauges their reactions and then proceeds from there. He doesn't really trust anyone.

9. Is he an aggressive or reactive person? Is he a pusher or a puller?
Depends on what he wants out of the situation. If he's invested or interested in the other person, he's a pusher. Otherwise he just goes with the flow and sees what happens. But if he wants something, he works to get it, no matter the cost.

10. Does he take positive or negative action?
Both, but usually negative.

11. In a danger or emergency situation would he go to it or run away from it?
Again, depends on the situation. He doesn't want to die or get mixed up in anything unpleasant, and he doesn't necessarily feel like playing the saviour unless it comes to his sister, but he's strangely (or not so strangely) not averse to pain.

12. Is the character basically nervous or calm?

13. Does the character have a sense of humor? Does he appreciate jokes? Can he see humor in unfunny situations? Can he laugh at himself?
He does indeed, to pretty much every question here. Though he has a harder time laughing at himself and truly meaning it.

14. Can he tell a funny story or joke? Do others find him amusing?
He doesn't tell jokes, per se, just is kind of snarky and tongue-in-cheek at people. So far some people find him amusing? I don't know.

15. Is he a practical joker?
This depends on your definition of 'practical joke'. Under the Fuchizaki definition, yes, he is. Under anyone else's he's just kind of sadistic.

16. Is his humor ever cruel?
Yes. It's often at the expense of others, though subtly.

17. Under what conditions could he be harmful or mean or cruel to another person?
Under normal, everyday circumstances. He kind of thrives on other people's fear.

18. Is he a loving person? Is he full of love and giving or rather bound and tight in this area? Is he capable of relation to others in a loving way? Is he capable of relating to one specific person in a romantic way?
He is capable of relating to others lovingly, but it happens very sparingly; he doesn't have a lot of love in him, and most of that is directed toward his sister. He can certainly like people, and he's been in a romantic relationship (though he refused to define it as such), but he doesn't truly love them and certainly doesn't relate to them properly.

19. Is he loved by any other people? In what way?
He has been. By his sister. Marena also loved him, and probably still does even though she kind of knows he's a monster now. :/ His parents' love is conditional (well, that he knows of -- Midori's is, at least, and hell if Ken will ever show anything but conditional love). ...Molly's appears to be unconditional, but he's not so keen on that love.

20. Is he romantically in love now? With whom?

The Character's Wealth, Power, and Influence
1. Does this person have much money?
Kaden is kind of fucking loaded. I mean, when you're budgeting your money, but that budget includes two apartments in downtown Chicago, payments on one of the most expensive Lexuses on the market, and a debit card for your sister that has a ridiculously high cap on it, well...that's a hell of a budget.

2. Is he generous or selfish with her money and possessions?
He's only generous when it gets him something, like other people's dependence on him. Or the ability to flaunt his money/social status.

3. Is the character socially prominent? Is he prominent from wealth, position or office, family history, ability or accomplishment?
Kind of by virtue of being from one of the wealthiest AoK families out there (and also a slightly infamous one, though they prefer to stay in the background). It's a prominence mostly from wealth and scholarly pursuits; he hasn't really been alive long enough to make a dent in the AoK BoS sort of deal, though he's published a few articles in journals and is slowly making his way up in the Biosys company. It'll take a bit to really get to where he wants to be, though.

4. Does the character rate high in the "pecking order" with his household? Town? Area? Nation? World?
Of his household, pretty high -- probably coming in just under Ken, realistically. Town...he didn't really interact much with his 'town' (what, it's basically just a suburb anyway), but within his neighborhood I suppose they had some clout. Area, not so much. Nation, no; world, no.

5. Does this person wield much clout? Over whom and by what means?
He's got a little bit but not very much at work, and a bit at school, when he's teaching. Otherwise, he holds a lot of clout over his sister by means of a history of abuse/manipulation/horrible codependence, and probably some over Elizabeth by virtue of being her tutor, but that's not a lot of clout in the general sense, just in telling her what sorts of homework she should be doing. XD

6. Can he command others to do her bidding, by word or manipulation?
Sometimes, yeah.

7. How does he get his wishes daily?
By taking them, either by force, bribery, or manipulation.

8. To whom is he subservient?
his bosses at Biosys, to a certain extent his family, and to his Calling.

The Character's Activities
1. How does the character spend his time?
Doing relatively boring things, like studying and homework and reading up on shit and planning lessonplans for both his classes and Elizabeth (and pretty soon he's going to start working on Justin's Japanese, dammit) and uh, mainlining coffee into his body and um, working with all the datasets at work and torturing people and thinking up new ways to torture people and thinking of new ways to control his sister and and etc etc. You get the picture.

2. What does his daily routine consist of?
It changes a bit depending on if he has classes or work, but it's usually up very early (between 5 and 6am), get ready, study/work, grab coffee before going to class/work, exist at class/work, ....probably exist LATE at school/work, then come home and do more of the same before recording and maybe sleeping, maybe.

3. What is his profession or work?
Research, basically. He gets to pick apart supernaturals' brains all day if his little heart desires.

4. What things does he really like to do?
Research. Research research research and stalk his sister --WE MEAN do more research. Blah blah Calling blah.

5. What things does he hate to do?
Watch things. Sleep (mostly because he consistently feels kind of ill when he wakes up -- PROBABLY BECAUSE HE NEVER SLEEPS ENOUGH but at this rate he can't force himself to stay asleep without the aid of drugs, so). Interact with people not of his own volition. Have to play nice with Lily's boyfriend.

6. What are his leisure time activities? Pastimes? Recreation?
I believe this has been answered.

7. Does he play games? What kind?
Laser tag. >.>

8. Does he like to eat or drink? How important to him are food and drink?
...he likes coffee and amphetamines? The amphetamines only in moderation, though. (Kaden, amphetamines aren't food.) No really though, he doesn't eat very much -- he had a lot of food allergies as a kid that translated into not wanting to eat much then, which translated into anorexia in high school and hasn't really gone away. He eats enough to keep himself alive, obviously, but other than that, his opinion of food is "bleh" and he only really eats it when he needs to or when he's going out to a restaraunt or something with people and he needs to make a good impression.

9. How important is sex to him? What sexual activities does he partake in? Anything unusual?
It's not a big deal to him, though he's far from uninterested. He just puts research and his Calling at a higher priority than getting off. Plus, there's the whole problem with him being into weird shit anyway -- it's not entirely kinky, though it dives toward the softer edge of BDSM on occasion. He just...needs the sex to stay interesting for him to stay interested, and often that means some sort of power play. :/

10. Is his exactitude about sex healthy or disturbing to him? Is sex a rewarding, enriching part of this person's life or is it frightening, anxious, or frustrating? Is sex a positive or negative factor in his life?
Eh, it doesn't bother him any. He's having fun, and that's what matters, right?

Character's Religion
1. What are his specific religious beliefs? Does he belong to a specific sect or creed? Does she advocate that group's beliefs?
He's firmly atheist. There is no God, no higher power.

2. How important is religion to her?
Not at all.

3. Is she pious, devout?

4. In what religious activities does she engage?
He celebrates the commercialized holidays by participating in the biannual Fuchizaki family get-togethers at Christmas and Easter every year? But that's really about it. These aren't really religious gathering so much as a good excuse to get together and swap stories.

5. How does religion motivate her actions or affect them?
It doesn't.

Character's Fears
1. What things frighten him?
The idea that his Calling could overpower him enough that he'll Fall. Dying. Losing Lily again.

2. Is he motivated by fear?
Not entirely, though he does sometimes act out of fear of what he's going to do otherwise.

3. To what extent is he motivated; never, occasionally, usually, constantly?
By fear? Occasionally. In general? Always.

4. What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to him?
1) Driven insane by his Calling.
2) Losing Lily.
3) Possibly being cut off by the family.

5. What would he think were the three most wonderful things that could happen to him?
1) Attaining the success he needs to conduct his own experiments on the people he chooses.
2) Lily just so happening to be his Guardian angel. >__>
3) Ken dying. He gets a crapload of money and he no longer has to pretend to like the man.

memesurvey, ooc

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