Dec 28, 2004 22:38
I have now created an online journal, something I once swore was for "Emo, Hardcore, life sucks, I'm a cutter" types of people. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing too annoying about these people, if you like whiny little bitches. At my high school, I see my share of Hardcore whiny little bitches, most of which fill their days pondering how to look, act, or be "Hardcore." If you take time out of your life, figuring out ways to be a non-conformist for today's society, then you are not being "different," you are acting just like about 45% of today's youth. Being "different" is living as yourself, not living an image someone else created as being "different." I am what I am, I don't try to be someone else. Yes, maybe I am a preppy asshole, but it's because I want to be. I wear Hollister and bleach my hair, because I think it looks good. I am a senseless jerk and make fun of everone, because it makes me laugh. I am funny, because I want to be. I don't live to impress, I live to enjoy. If you have a problem with that, then eat a dick!