My Italian's not perfect, nor is Babelfish's. But "Reverso" is a step in the right direction.

Mar 25, 2008 14:12

I Googled "Ghostwood New Orleans" today. I originally intended to cut and paste some descriptions that didn't quite apply from different shows we played ("political pop-punk from New Orleans") and say something amusing about each. There are a couple of these still floating around on different iterations of noladiy-type sites in other cities. I also came across: different mp3 sites that have songs on them, links to myspace profiles (not including the Australian band of the same name), the confusing review that Live New Orleans did of our Plan-it-X set, and some fragments of the defunct N.O. Punks site.

Finally I found this stumper. As if it's existence wasn't weird enough, it's only two months old. The translation is below it.

>I fantasmi di New Orleans
>Gennaio 23, 2008, 3:23 pm
>Archiviato in: Band del giorno | Tag: emo-punk

>Se girate sul web dei Ghostwood non troverete praticamente nulla, se non una paginetta purevolume con tre >brani da ascoltare e un adorabile link ( alla loro striminzita discografia >disponibile per il download. Detto questo, non penso che abbiate bisogno di altro: tutte le notizie >biografiche possiamo inventarcele di sana pianta o persino immaginare l’eroica saga di questi ragazzi di New >Orleans che si sono trovati a portare lo stendardo dell’emo-punk in una città che di bella musica ne ha vista >passare tanta ma di band punk neppure l’ombra.

>Personalmente immagino che la fine prematura dei Ghostwood - spariti dalle scene attorno al 2005 - sia >strettamente legata alla tragedia dell’uragano Katrina, un colpo fatale che ha stroncato la loro giovane e >promettente carriera. Ma voi siete liberi di pensarla diversamente. Anche perchè se così fosse avremmo già >sentito parlare di loro da un commosso inviato speciale di Studio Aperto e invece al massimo degli ex >Ghostwood se ne sente parlare in qualche altra misconosciuta band locale (Path of Daggers Crown of Swords, A >Hanging, e Promis).

>Beh, qualunque sia la loro vera vicenda ascoltarsi il loro dischetto “Development” è un piacere non da poco: >punk rock appassionato che alterna momenti tirati ad altri dalle melodie più raffinate e dal retrogusto >amaragnolo. Se pensate alla No Idea fate bene, ma aggiungeteci dell’altro, tipo i Lifetime o gli Avail o altro >ancora. Insomma tutto quel punk-rock di un certo tipo, e avete capito bene che intendo. E se non avete capito, >ascoltatevi tutto il catalogo No Idea, i Lifetime, gli Avail e poi anche i Ghostwood.

>Ah, allo stesso link trovate il materiale solista di Jonathan: un bravo ragazzo che ci mette tanto cuore ma la >sua musica senza basso, batteria e cori soffre di solitudine.


The Babelfish translator was next to useless. I won't paste the whole mess it gave me back but this sample is indicative of the whole:
"their floppy disk "Development" is a pleasure does not give little: punk rock gotten passionate that alternate moments it more pulls you to others from the refined melodie and from the retrogusto amaragnolo"

I ended up using a site called Reverso. Reverso touts itself as a "free online translator" but, ultimately, it must want to sell you something because it will only translate a few lines at a time. It took a little while but I finally pieced together something comprehensible. I have mixed emotions about the day when I have a job again and doing something like this becomes a questionable expense of my free time.

In Inglesi:

The ghosts in New Orleans
Gennaio 23, 2008 3:23 pms
Filed in: Band of the day | Tag: emo-punk

If you turn on the web of the Ghostwoods you won't practically find anything, if not a paginetta purevolume with three passages to be listened and an adorable link ( /) to the their shabby available discografia for the download. Says this, I don't think that you need other: the whole biographical news we can invent her to us of healthy plant or even to imagine the heroic saga of these boys of New Orleans that I/you/they are found to bring the standard of the emo-punk in a city that of beautiful music has seen to pass as much of it but of band punk not even the shade.

Personally I imagine that the premature end of the Ghostwoods. disappeared by the scenes around 2005 - is tightly tied Katrina to the tragedy of the hurricane, a fatal hit that has slashed their youth and promising career. But you are free to otherwise think her/it. Also because if so pits we would already have felt to speak of them to a touched special envoy of Open Study and instead of the ex Ghostwood feels at the most to speak to some other underestimated local (Path of Daggers Crown of Swords, To Hanging and Promis) band.

Beh, any both their true story to listen to him their diskette "Development" it is from not too long not a pleasure: punk impassioned rock that alternates taut moments to others from the most refined melodies and from the aftertaste amaragnolo. If you think about the No Idea you do well, but add us some other, type the Lifetime or the Avail or other still. In short all that punk-rock of a certain type, and you have understood well that intend. And if you have not understood, listen to you the whole catalog No Idea, the Lifetime, the Avail and then also the Ghostwoods.

Ah, to the same link found the soloist material of Jonathan: a good boy that puts us so much heart but his/her music without low, battery and choirs it suffers from loneliness.


Actually, Babelfish gave a slightly better rendering of the part about Jonathan.
"Ah, to the same one link found the material solista of Jonathan: Bravo boy who puts us much heart but its music without bottom, battery and choruses suffers from solitudine."

I don't know which is the more acceptable context to take this translation in - poor, lonely Jonathan or Jonathan's poor,lonely songs.

Bravo anyway.
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