some bad news

Sep 19, 2011 07:31

if you follow my simblr, you probably already know that when i reinstalled i lost Jordan and the baby girl that was born in game, so, i will have to either try and remake them somehow (success is doubtful), or just breed entirely new children and give them the same names. at any rate, all of the problems that i was having seemed to have vanished, i am pretty certain the stop and go glitch was caused by installing generations BEFORE Late Night, as one of you suggested a while back.

though reinstalling took for freaking ever, it was worth it, even if i did lose my precious bb's. the game is running even more smoothly than before, and i can play custom worlds. i do believe that i am going to move them to Champs Les Sims (there is a livable version on the exchange, of you're interested), and it might take me a while to get the world to look exactly how i want it to, so, further updates on the Doyles might be stalled for a while.

at any rate, that's all she wrote, just giving everyone an update on what has happened and what might happen in the future. <3

!random, !news

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