Oct 15, 2006 11:21
ive had alot of time to think lately..
im alone, alone on an island in the middle of the pacific.. its hell mistaken for paradise. well if i was a civilian things would be different. maybe i (we) wouldnt be outcasted or looked down upon for others previous stupid mistakes. it will be impossible to find a female companion out here. im not 21 so i cant meet em at the bar. and i look too young anyway (i got told i looked 15 while buying a pack of smokes) plus this is an island so my boundries are limited and if you go snywhere else besidec right off base or in honolulu/waikiki have fun staying alive cause youll be jumped by samoans. so ive given up hope on girls.. and even if i find one back in the states theres no hope cause they wouldnt be here.. so ive given up.
another thing, the marine corps is fucking gay.. so many stupis little rules and stupid fucking people. like how i was told to clean my boots at the rifle range buy one of my corporals (lets just say you wear you not good boots there) cause they get stained red.. well i had gotten some glue slatter on my pair because i was working my ass off making targets for qualification day and i honestly find no point in trying to not make a mess, id rather get it done quick as possible.. so anyway i said back to him, "yes cpl i know, in te marine corps you always need a clean pair of boots on" and i wasnt saying it with an attitude or anything.. and hes like "you got an attitude"..me "no cpl"..hom "yes you do fucking drop it"..me "ok good to go cpl",, see thats the shit that pisses me off, i dont have a say, or i get yelled at.. im opressed os a PFC, and i hate it cause some people are too fucking retarted to be in control of things.. what gave me the attitude was him accusing me of having one.. that cpl is a shit bag anyway, hes lazy and fuck and trys to get out of everything, i really just want to punch him in the face..
fuck stupid assholes... just let me do my job and go away
it was funny tonight me ryan and tim were talking about or ssn (social security #).. i used to think oh its just a number that they give you.. but being in the military thats it you. my ssn is what i am.. last 4... 4046.. just another fucking number, we all arem we should just go around being liiek hey im 4046 who are you..
i really hope i get to go home. idk whats going to happen,, i have -2.5 days of leave.. so by december ill have 2.5 days of leave. so i dont know if ill be able to go home like everyone else for christmas.. i can fucking picture it, it will be christams and ill be sitting on duty.. if i dont get leave for that i will take it up my chain of command, and if it need be ill take it higher. its fucked up it could be the last time i see my family, ever.. ill fucking get home no matter what, fuck that shit.. ill go fucking UA to go home if they dont let me.. for fucks sake it could be the last time i see my family alive.
ive been reading this book angels and demons.. its really good, you all should read it..
ive just been in weird moods lately, probably becasue we are living in squad bays at the range...
well i need sleep and than wake up early to pack for the range