Jan 09, 2006 23:40
Most flowers are only beautiful when they bloom. But I heard today, Korean Rosebay is the flower which is beautiful when it is 'fading'. Beautifully fade? That sounds really cool.^^ Beautifully fade and make the viewer bloom. Wow.
Bloom in the morning and fade every night, we do. Tomorrow morning, the rising sun will make us bloom. Flowers fade by the weight of time. And they bloom again as the morning sunshine touches them. Every morning, faded flowers bloom again like we begin our new day.
Buddha held a flower high and smiled to one of his best followers, Anan-gasub. Anan smiled back. Why did he smile? I don't know. The flower was lotus. When buddha died, he was lying down on the ground and smiling. He was like Korean Rosebay, which beautifully fades. After that day, there must be a day, and the day after that day, a day after that day......the day we're living. Tomorrow, will be the day we are living. Let's hold our flowers and smile. The flowers are Korean Rosebays.