Best Weekend ever

Oct 27, 2003 08:44

I visited home this past weekend from Thursday through Sunday and was sober for a whole 20 minutes all weekend. Here is the weekend in a nutshell:

Thursday: Everyone came out, it was fuckin' great! Rick, Tom, Ryan, Fil, Klebba, Stockton, Zyb, JP, #3 and not to mention the phenomenal bartenders at hoops. Great time! I made Rick leave me at the bar becasue I hadn't become one with my drinking when he was ready to leave. I bought many beers and my tab was a whoping $15. Fuckin' a. Passed out at home. Oh yeah, I also saw the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Friday: Went shopping in the afternoon. Then Rick and I went to the mall and he about made me piss on myself with laughter. Missed that guy alot. Then we spent Friday night at the Loft per usual. I was drunker than the previous night. I ended up meeting a nice girl named Kelly K who is hot. Kelly and I went to taco bell cuz I am fat. Then we headed to Stocktons where Kelly, Klebba, and I played drink the beer and did shots of raspberry stoli. Gets a bit foggy after this point. Next memory I have is waking up on Stocktons chair at 8:30 a.m. I am such a winner.
Saturday morning Kelly, Klebba, Stockton and I went to breakfast where Klebba almost made me choke on my omlette cuz I was laughing so hard.

Got my haircut where Kelly works cuz she did it for free, free rules. My roommate drew came up from Chicago and we went to dinner with John, Ann Marie, and Jeff. It was awesome. Then Kramer came in from NOvi and we put a quick hurt on a case of beer at my house where kelly met us. Then we went to hoops and my Bro met us and we all got pretty drunk. I wanted to show these guys the worst bar ever so we went to The Kodiac. It was a pretty fucking good time considering he had consumed our bodyu weight in alcohol. My brother is awesome to hang out with! He keeps on telling me that he will kill anyone in that bar! I think he might be the Hulk. After that we went to Taco Bell becasue Drew and I are fat. We took it back to my house where we all watched in awe as Drew ate 9 tacos and an order od Nachos. My mom laughed the next morning becasue where he was sitting was one of the biggest messes ever.

Sunday morning Ann MArie put the hurt to some breakfast. 2 dozen eggs, a loaf of toast and 2 lbs. of bacon, and 2 lbs. of Sausage. Ann Marie rules. We left after breakfast. But before i left my Dad gave us a housewarming present cuz he couldnt make it to the party, a simpson's chess set and a $200 bottle of Tequila that he bought last time he went to mexico. John Rules.

One of the best weekends ever.
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