SG-1: Over Her Body (Cam/Vala)

May 09, 2008 02:57

Title: Over Her Body
prompt_in_a_box: Round #2
Prompt #14: "Where am I?"
Word Count: 303
Genre: fluff
Rating: R (implied sex... well... ya.)
Pairing: Cam/Vala
Summary: What happed during the night?
Timeline: during S10's Memento Mori

It felt like a cool breeze skirting over her skin, the rough hands of her companion making her sigh quickly and quietly. She closed her eyes as his kisses filled her with ecstasy alone, burning each one into her memory, on to her body. This wasn’t what she planned when she saw the man following her, but his kind words, and the way he let her cuff him, the way he didn’t seem to struggle. She let out a moan; there were two tonight who wanted this.

Clothes were shed quickly and effectively, not letting skin be away from skin for long. He whispered something as he laid her down, once more lingering hands breezing over her. As they gazed at one another, she didn’t feel scared to have a man near here. And he obviously knew her, just from his actions alone she knew he would protect her. She pulled him down for a kiss, slow and wanting, much like his hands as they wandered over her body.

Their bodies took them over into the sky and the cool breeze turned as hot as the sun, steaming them both, bringing them together as one. She wondered if this was really the first time, as he said. Even if she never recovered the memories she had lost, this was the one she wanted to hang onto forever. His body and hers, in a hotel room, hiding, captor and captive in a sense. The night dragged into morning, as they lay in the bed, watching the other.

“Where am I?” she asked, licking her lips, voicing the question she had been wanting to ask all night.

He smiled and pulled her closer. “Home. You’re finally home.”

She smiled and nodded, finally closing her eyes in peaceful sleep for the first time in many nights.

short fic: sg1, pairing: cam/vala, rated: r, genre: fluff, writer: chris4short

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